• vor 2 Jahren
Year (Jahr): 2010
Release Date (Veröffentlichungsdatum): 2010-09-17
Duration (Spieldauer): 88 min
Director (Regie): Anthony Bell, Ben Gluck
Actors (Schauspieler): Hayden Panettiere, Christina Ricci, Justin Long
Writers (Drehbuch): Steve Moore, Chris Denk
Country (Land): United States
Original language (Original-Sprache): English
IMDB: 5.1 | Rotten Tomatoes: 19% | Metascore: 36 | TMDB: 5.9

What makes for the ultimate road trip? Hitchhiking, truck stops, angry bears, prickly porcupines and a golfing goose with a duck caddy. Just ask Kate and Humphrey, two wolves who are trying to get home after being taken by park rangers and shipped halfway across the country. Humphrey is an Omega wolf, whose days are about quick wit, snappy one-liners and hanging with his motley crew of fun-loving wolves and video-gaming squirrels. Kate is an Alpha: duty, discipline and sleek Lara Croft eye-popping moves fuel her fire. Humphrey’s motto - make ‘em laugh. Kate’s motto - I’m the boss. And they have a thousand miles to go. Back home rival wolf packs are on the march and conflict is brewing. Only Kate and Humphrey can restore the peace. But first, they have to survive each other.
Alpha und Omega erzählt die Geschichte eines etwas naiven Wolfsrüden namens Humphrey und einer reiferen Fähe namens Kate, welche im Jasper-Nationalpark, Kanada, leben. Die beiden sind seit ihrer Kindheit die besten Freunde. Humphrey hat im Rudel einen niederen sozialen Rang (Omega-Wolf), wohingegen Kate als Alpha-Wolf zur Rudelführung gehört. Dennoch sind sie miteinander befreundet.

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