• vor 2 Jahren
Year (Jahr): 2010
Release Date (Veröffentlichungsdatum): 2010-04-29
Duration (Spieldauer): 96 min
Country (Land): United States
Original language (Original-Sprache): English
IMDB: 5.6 | Rotten Tomatoes: 33% | Metascore: 44 | TMDB: 5.9

Sympathy for Delicious marks acclaimed actor Mark Ruffalo's first foray into directing. This inspired and unusual film tells the story of Dean O'Dwyer (Christopher Thornton), also known as "Delicious D," an up-and-coming DJ on the underground music scene in Los Angeles. When a motorcycle accident leaves Dean paralyzed, he abandons his turntables for a wheelchair as his once promising career disappears before his eyes. Forced to live out of his car on skid row, Dean begins his descent into depression when he meets Father Joe Roselli (Mark Ruffalo), a passionate young priest. Father Joe introduces Dean to the world of faith-healing, an unlikely way for him to begin his quest to walk again. He soon discovers that he possesses the otherworldly power to heal people, but in an odd twist of fate, he is utterly unable to heal himself. Despite Father Joe's warnings, Dean angrily decides to use his newfound gift for fame and fortune. He joins a rock band led by charismatic front man The Stain (Orlando Bloom) with bassist Ariel (Juliette Lewis), and manager Nina Hogue (Laura Linney). But his newfound notoriety is unable to cure the hurt that encompasses his life. To find true healing, Dean must ultimately confront his worst demons and come to terms with his own humanity.
Seinem Job als DJ kann Dean O’Dwyer nach einem Unfall, der ihn an den Rollstuhl fesselt, nicht mehr nachgehen. Doch das Schicksal meint es gut mit ihm: In der Band von Ariel bekommt er eine neue Chance. Doch während er sich mit Leadsänger The Stain und Managerin Nina anlegt, entdeckt er eine unglaubliche Gabe: Er kann durch Handauflegen Menschen heilen. Doch welchen Weg wird er einschlagen? Den des Rockstars oder des Retters? Berührend, rau und zutiefst optimistisch: Hollywoodstar Mark Ruffalo versammelt ein erstklassiges Starensemble, um in seinem Regiedebüt eine wunderbar schräge Geschichte über Selbstzweifel, Rock’n’Roll und Selbstbehauptung zu erzählen. Eine mehr als hoffnungsvolle spirituelle Reise zwischen Riffs und Stagediving, die zu den wunderbarsten Entdeckungen des Kinojahres zählt!

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