• vor 2 Jahren
Year (Jahr): 2009
Release Date (Veröffentlichungsdatum): 2009-11-13
Duration (Spieldauer): 93 min
IMDB: 7.2 | Rotten Tomatoes: 22% | Metascore: 30 | TMDB: 5.5
Actors (Schauspieler): Robb Mariani
Country (Land): United States
Original language (Original-Sprache): English

In every corner of the world, there’s one question that can never be definitively answered, yet stirs up equal parts passion, curiosity, self-reflection and often wild imagination: “What is God?” Filmmaker Peter Rodger explores this profound, age-old query in the provocative non-fiction feature “Oh My God.” This visual odyssey travels the globe with a revealing lens examining the idea of God through the minds and eyes of various religions and cultures, everyday people, spiritual leaders and celebrities. His goal: to give the viewer the personal, visceral experience of some kind of reasonable, meaningful definition of one of the most used—some might say overused—words in most every language. Rodger’s quest takes him from the United States to Africa, from the Middle East to the Far East, where such fundamental issues as: “Did God create man or did man create God?, “Is there one God for all religions?” and “If God exists, why does he allow so much suffering?” are explored in candid discussions with the various Christians, Catholics, Muslims, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists and even atheists the filmmaker meets along the way. But maybe it’s former Beatle Ringo Starr who sums it up best here when he simply says, “God is love.” Rodger would like viewers to come away with a feeling of having an amazing journey - seeing places they would never see normally, hearing music that inspires and words that educate, bringing understanding and tolerance of other individuals that in turn richens their own existence. “Oh My God” stars Hugh Jackman, Seal, Ringo Starr, Sir Bob Geldof, Princess Michael of Kent, David Copperfield and Jack Thompson.
In allen Ecken der Welt gibt es eine Frage, die nie endgültig beantwortet werden kann, aber zu gleichen Teilen Leidenschaft, Neugier, Selbstreflexion und oft wilde Fantasie weckt: „Was ist Gott?“ Der Filmemacher Peter Rodger geht dieser tiefgründigen, uralten Frage in dem provokanten Sachbuch „Oh My God“ nach. Diese visuelle Odyssee reist mit einer aufschlussreichen Linse um den Globus und untersucht die Idee von Gott durch die Gedanken und Augen verschiedener Religionen und Kulturen, alltäglicher Menschen, spiritueller Führer und Prominenter. Sein Ziel: dem Betrachter die persönliche, viszerale Erfahrun

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