Gutsy kitten falls flat on her face while trying to copy mommy

  • last year
Yes, it's true that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, but do you know what else is true? It's that everyone has limitations, and the kitten in this video wishes someone had told her before she learned it the hard way.

This comical video, shared with WooGlobe by Elise Vella, starts with said kitten atop a sink as she aims to jump up to the top of a cabinet, where her mother is sitting.

However, the height difference between the sink and cabinet top proves to be too big of a hurdle for the determined kitty, and she ends up falling to the floor instead.

"She thought she could do what mommy does, haha," Elise commented.
Location: Arlington, USA
WooGlobe Ref : WGA879321
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