• vor 2 Jahren
Year (Jahr): 2008
Release Date (Veröffentlichungsdatum): 2008-07-01
Duration (Spieldauer): 92 min
Director (Regie): Peter Berg
Actors (Schauspieler): Will Smith, Charlize Theron, Jason Bateman
Writers (Drehbuch): Vy Vincent Ngo, Vince Gilligan
Country (Land): United States
Original language (Original-Sprache): English
IMDB: 6.4 | Rotten Tomatoes: 41% | Metascore: 49 | TMDB: 6.3

There are heroes, there are superheroes, and then there’s Hancock (Will Smith). With great power comes great responsibility - everyone knows that - everyone, that is, but Hancock. Edgy, conflicted, sarcastic, and misunderstood, Hancock’s well-intentioned heroics might get the job done and save countless lives, but always seem to leave jaw-dropping damage in their wake. The public has finally had enough - as grateful as they are to have their local hero, the good citizens of Los Angeles are wondering what they ever did to deserve this guy. Hancock isn’t the kind of man who cares what other people think - until the day that he saves the life of PR executive Ray Embrey and the sardonic superhero begins to realize that he may have a vulnerable side after all. Facing that will be Hancock’s greatest challenge yet - and a task that may prove impossible as Ray’s wife, Mary insists that he’s a lost cause.
Der ausgebrannte Superheld Hancock fliegt nur noch mit Whiskeyflasche zum Einsatz. Wegen einigen misslungenen Heldentaten und seinen unkonventionellen Methoden ist die Stadt L.A. auf ihren Helden nicht gut zu sprechen. Der PR-Berater Ray möchte Hancocks Image aufpolieren. Nun verliebt sich Hancock in Rays Frau Mary und das Chaos nimmt seinen Lauf …

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