• 2 years ago
The second part of a new BBC documentary titled 'India: The Modi Question', aired in the United Kingdom last evening. The first part of this very documentary had been blocked by India earlier last week using "emergency powers". A huge controversy had erupted in India over the first episode of this two-part series which tracked PM Narendra Modi's rise through the ranks of the BJP and his appointment as chief minister of Gujarat. It had also revisited his role in the 2002 Gujarat riot which had broken out after 59 Hindu pilgrims died on a train that was set on fire. In this video, we explain what were those emergency provisions India had resorted to in order to to block the airing of this documentary and whether this was just a one-off instance or whether there have been precedents to such actions by the government. But before that, don’t forget to like, share and subscribe to Oneindia.

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