Game & Watch

  • el año pasado
No words.
No interviews.
No human appearance.

Just two hands (with gloves).
Just old electronic music.
Just weird machine beeps.

Still 4:3 format.
Still SD resolution.
Still wasted VHS image.

The complete 59 Nintendo Game & Watch (+ special editions) created by Gunpei Yokoi (Game Boy creator).

Music by Koji Kondo and other colleagues.

Themes used:

G&W Opening (Complete Collection)
- Super Mario Bros. 2: Overworld Theme (NES)

- Dr. Mario: Fever (Game Boy)

- Super Mario World: Athletic Theme (SNES)

Wide Screen (part one)
- Super Mario RPG: Forest Maze (SNES)
- Super Mario RPG: Culex Battle (SNES)

Wide Screen (part two)
- Mario Paint: Main Theme (SNES)
- Mario Paint: Creative Exercise (SNES)

Multi Screen (part one)
- Super Mario World: Title Theme (SNES)
- Super Mario Bros. 3: Overworld Theme 2 (NES)
- Super Mario Land 2: Athletic Theme (Game Boy)
- Super Mario Land: Overworld Theme (Game Boy)

Multi Screen (part two)
- Super Mario Kart: Title Theme (SNES)
- Mario Clash: Pipes (Virtual Boy)
- Hotel Mario: Main Theme (Philips CD-i)
- Mario's Picross: Theme 1 (Game Boy)

Multi Screen (part three)
- Mario's Time Machine: Title Theme (SNES)
- Wario Land: Stage 1 Theme (Game Boy)
- Mario no Super Picross: Wario Puzzle 1 (SNES)
- Super Mario Bros. 3: Underworld Theme (NES)

New Wide Screen (part one)
- Super Mario World: Overworld Theme (SNES)

New Wide Screen (part two)
- Super Mario World: Castle Theme (SNES)

- Dr. Mario: Chill (Game Boy)

Panorama Screen (part one)
- Yoshi's Island: Flower Garden (SNES)

Panorama Screen (part two)
- Wrecking Crew: Stage Theme (NES)

- Yoshi's Island: Intro Music Box Theme (SNES)

Micro Vs. System
- Yoshi's Island: Athletic Theme (SNES)

Crystal Screen
- Super Mario World: Ending Theme (SNES)

Super Mario Bros. F1 Special Edition
- Super Mario Bros. Theme (NES)

Mini Classics
- Super Mario 64: Dire, Dire Docks (N64)

Ending (credits)
- Mario Paint: Music Maker Song 3 (SNES)
