• 2 years ago
Grease Rise of the Pink Ladies Season 1 Trailer HD - Plot Synopsis: The musical series takes place four years before the original "Grease"; in 1954 before rock 'n' roll ruled before the T-Birds were the coolest in the school, four fed-up outcasts dare to have fun on their own terms, sparking a moral panic that will change Rydell High forever.

directed by Alethea Jones, Diego Velasco, Jamal Sims (various episodes)

starring Marisa Davila, Cheyenne Isabel Wells, Ari Notartomaso, Tricia Fukuhara, Shanel Bailey, Madison Thompson, Johnathan Nieves, Jason Schmidt, Maxwell Whittington-Cooper, Jackie Hoffman

release date April 6, 2023 (on Paramount Plus)


