Matthew Tyrmand expose the reason why the protesters in Brazil so angry

  • last year
Matthew Tyrmand: "You hit the nail on the head.They have this hard fought constitutional republic and strong, robust democracy.Or do they? Lula was, as you correctly stated, a convicted felon, 19 judges, twelve charges, twelve year sentence,and released by a Supreme Court justice, Alexanderde Morais and his team of fellow traveling Supreme Court justices to enter into this election and then this election, had no transparency.

So the protesters who protested for the last 70 days peacefully, no arson, no violence, just wanted an evidence, proof that this was an honest election.They did not get it.They have stayed by the military, begging the military to adjudicate the separated powers dispute.Now it turns out, as the plot usually does,thicken in these situations, that there were many an agent provocateur yesterday at these buildings and doing incredible gross damage, breaking windows and such.And it looks like this is turning into a Reichstag fire and being used to clamp down on these democratic protests.The protester no more.The camps have been disbanded by executive and judicial mandate and fiat.

And now they've set up a concentration camp where1200 Brazilian citizens are locked in the gymnasium and grounds of the Federal Police Training Center in Brazilia.And it has just been reported that two of them have died.There is no water, no food, no bathrooms.Brazilian countrymen of this government are being treated in worse circumstances than the Geneva Convention allows for foreign combatants.It is absolutely gross, and even more gross, as we just found out.According to a high ranking influential senator Marcus Duval released documents that proved the Justice Minister,Flavio Dino, knew about it the day before,that there would be violence, potentially, and even the setup for violence.And Lula knew as well.They did not cordon off the buildings.It looks like there are even more similarities with our own."


