Bolsonaro Supporters Storm Brazilian Capital

  • last year
Bolsonaro Supporters , Storm Brazilian Capital .
On January 8, Brazil's capital descended into chaos
as supporters of former President Jair Bolsonaro
breached and vandalized government buildings. .
On January 8, Brazil's capital descended into chaos
as supporters of former President Jair Bolsonaro
breached and vandalized government buildings. .
NBC reports that video footage shows damage
to an office in the presidential palace and
broken windows at Brazil's highest court.
NBC reports that video footage shows damage
to an office in the presidential palace and
broken windows at Brazil's highest court.
Reuters footage also reportedly
shows authorities using tear gas
and clashing with demonstrators. .
On January 1, President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva
was sworn into office, replacing Bolsonaro
as the leader of the country.
The new president called the attacks
unprecedented and promised that
the attackers would face consequences. .
Whoever did this will be found
and punished. Democracy guarantees
the right to free expression, but it also
requires people to respect institutions. , Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, President of Brazil, via Twitter.
There is no precedent in the history
of the country what they did today.
For that they must be punished, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, President of Brazil, via Twitter.
According to Ibaneis Rocha, the governor
of Brazil's capital district, over 400 people
involved with the demonstrations were arrested. .
NBC reports that the incident comes
amid widespread misinformation
regarding the election. .
The electoral cycle was marked
by the use of public resources
for campaigning and a sophisticated disinformation network, Carter Center, via NBC
