IMPACT! on AXS TV Results: January 5, 2023

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Tonight’s show is dedicated to the memory of Don West.

The action begins Before the IMPACT with an exclusive match.

Gisele Shaw w/ Jai Vidal vs KiLynn King

“The Quintessential Diva” squares off with the poised KiLynn King! Shaw attempts a Facebuster but King counters and sends Shaw face-first into the ropes. King is perched on the top but Shaw delivers an open palm strike, sending her crashing to the floor. Shaw hits a running back elbow for two before choking King with her boot. King begins to build momentum with a missile dropkick. King almost puts Shaw away with a modified powerbomb. Shaw avoids the Frog Splash, allowing Shaw to capitalize with Shock & Awe for a very close near fall. Shaw hits a double foot stomp, followed by the pump knee strike to win.


