कई लोगों को चेहरे पर होने वाल सफेद दाग धब्बों से भी परेशान होना पड़ता है। अगर लोग इन सफेद धब्बों को विटिलिगो समझ लेते हैं। लेकिन इसके अलावा भी कई कारणों से चेहरे पर सफेद दाग धब्बे हो सकते हैं। तो चलिए, जानते हैं चेहरे पर सफेद दाग धब्बे क्यों होते हैं?
Many people also have to worry about the white spots on the face. If people consider these white spots as vitiligo. But apart from this, there can be white spots on the face due to many reasons. So come on, let's know why there are white spots on the face?
#Whitespotonface #SkinCare
Many people also have to worry about the white spots on the face. If people consider these white spots as vitiligo. But apart from this, there can be white spots on the face due to many reasons. So come on, let's know why there are white spots on the face?
#Whitespotonface #SkinCare