Trutheory (spoken word)

  • last year

squeaky wheels,
without a fate,
been standing in,
for senseless wastes,

with ticking clocks,
like suits of armour,
as bad luck can be,
quite a charmer,

not dishing itself,
any luck,
makes so much light,
it's not to trust,

some squeaky wheels,
are left to squeak,
return on efforts,
has a leak,

doing everything,
the world wants to do,
demanding routines,
with plenty to prove,

because 'where is the love?' became the question,
was it lost in gratitude's reflection?
is appreciation below it's station?
does time and life hold no relation?

like the lost value of a rejected good idea,
whilst counting all these blessings,
won't make those problems disappear,

it's the lost value of important ignored facts,
that are vital to your life,
you just can't make light of that,

fixing a function that others don't have,
until we start to behave,
like we were cooked up in a lab,

done doing everything life wants to do!
these Indicators suggests,
there's something's seriously wrong with you!

i don't buy a fractured collective mind,
looks a lot more like a new excuse to be unkind,
i don't buy we vibrate too differently,
implying separation has become too much a disease,

so even spiritually speaking there is nowhere to hide,
the problems some are facing are the result of careless lies,

they make so much light,
it's not to trust,
too many keep on braking,
until they just end up bust,

