Mars_ No, It’s Better To Colonize The Moon First!

  • 2 years ago
No matter how advanced our civilization is, sooner or later it will have to deal with a problem that is not easy to solve.
Which is?
That of our planet's finite resources.
And I am not referring to resources such as minerals, clean water, and breathable air, but to something even more fundamental and restrictive: the amount of space available.
There is in fact only a finite amount of land to inhabit on our planet.
Yes, sure, maybe someday we will build floating cities on the oceans, or even manage to live in the deep sea... but it's only a matter of time... sooner or later some part of us will have to leave the planet...
Okay, but to go where? Useless for the moment to think about the romantic idea of searching for an extrasolar planet, perfect and already nice and ready to live on. The distances are prohibitive, and our technological resources are pathetically insufficient for such a mission.


