Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt have had the most exciting 2022. After enjoying the glorious success of their first film Brahmastra, the couple was blessed with a baby girl in November. Ranbir and Alia are currently enjoying their parenthood phase. Amid spending time with their little one Raha, the couple was seen arriving for the annual Christmas lunch with the Kapoor family. Before tying the knot, Alia used to attend lunch get-togethers with Ranbir. The duo made a stylish appearance without their daughter. Watch the video to know more.
#AliaBhatt #KapoorChristmasLunch #RanbirAliaSpotted
#AliaBhatt #KapoorChristmasLunch #RanbirAliaSpotted
Ranbir Kapoor and Pregnant Alia Bhatt Poses Together at the Special screening of Brahmastra
Ranbir Kapoor Arrived with Girlfriend Alia Bhatt at Kapoor family Christmas lunch | SpotboyE