Yonamine: Parla_Mute / Galerie Michael Janssen, Berlin

  • last year
For Parla_Mute, his first solo exhibition at Michael Janssen in Berlin, the artist Yonamine (born 1975 in Luanda), presents a series of posters, silkscreens and large scale collages. The newly created works are made from a number of phrases and graphic material, picked up from the streets. “The title of the show – PARLA_MUTE – is the name of a pathology: a parliament without a voice. PARLA_MUTE has always existed in my subconscious, perhaps because I have lived in a country whose regime is authoritarian and militarised, where you are not allowed to think or have your own opinions. PARLA_MUTE is a kind of cultural asphyxia in search of intellectual oxygen, filled with chaos and hope.” (YONAMINE, August 2022).

Yonamine: Parla_Mute / Galerie Michael Janssen, Berlin. September 16, 2022.