At this year's Kolkata International Film Festival, which began on Thursday, Amitabh Bachchan and wife Jaya, Shah Rukh Khan led the celeb roll call. Pictures and videos from the festival are trending big time. One moment in particular that won hearts was when Shah Rukh Khan touched Amitabh Bachchan and Jaya Bachchan's feet. Big B instantly hugged SRK at the event.While the trio shared stage after a long time, a certain section of social media users expressed their displeasure with Jaya Bachchan.Watch Video To Know More
#ShahRukhKhan #SRKTouchedJayaFeet #JayaBachchan #JayaTrolled
#ShahRukhKhan #SRKTouchedJayaFeet #JayaBachchan #JayaTrolled