Ranbir Kapoor spoke about his life and film career at the Red Sea International Film Festival 2022 last week and now several snippets of his interview has gone viral. The actor who scored big at the box office with his movie Brahmastra this year, also used the platform to congratulate the of Pakistani actor Fawad Khan and team on the blockbuster success of their film The Legend of Maula Jatt which will also release in India soon. However, the Bollywood actor is now drawing flak online for his statement where people are calling him out for watching and supporting Maula Jatt. The trolls now want Ranbir to move to Pakistan to fulfil his desire. Watch video to know more.
#RanbirKapoor #TheLegendofMaulaJatt #RanbirKapoorTrolled
#RanbirKapoor #TheLegendofMaulaJatt #RanbirKapoorTrolled