Ember Morley, a graphic designer and aspiring storybook illustrator in Manhattan is surprised when she learns she has inherited her Grandmother's Christmas tree farm. She heads back to her hometown of Willow Hill in order to sell it before Christmas, but the charming townspeople convince her to stay a little longer and help plan their annual Christmas Tree Festival. When forced to work with Brandon Hart, the farm's handsome caretaker, Ember is reminded of the things she once wanted in life. Will the magic of Christmas guide her on the right path?
00:00:00Happy to be around, happy to say I'm here, it's Christmas, it's Christmas, it's Christmas,
00:00:16it's Christmas, happy to fly the skies, happy to see the world, it's Christmas, it's Christmas,
00:00:27it's Christmas, it's Christmas, it's Christmas, happy to say I'm here, it's Christmas, it's
00:00:34Christmas, it's Christmas, it's Christmas, it's Christmas, happy to say I'm here, it's
00:00:38Christmas, it's Christmas, it's Christmas, it's Christmas.
00:00:41HMM I smell peppermint and caffeine.
00:00:43Your favorite.
00:00:44You know we have people for this right.
00:00:46I like doing the coffee run, the hustle, the bustle.
00:00:49Every assistant in the city late for their first day it's like a trip down memory lane.
00:00:53I always get nervous before I present our work.
00:00:56You know that.
00:00:59Hey, wish me luck.
00:01:12Our design team really wanted to encourage our readers
00:01:14to begin their new year with a bold spirit and a brave attitude.
00:01:21This is fresh.
00:01:25Oh, you're happy.
00:01:27I'm thrilled.
00:01:30I think this may be our best issue to date.
00:01:34This new year, new me is really going to inspire our readers.
00:01:37Yeah, that was our goal, to inspire our readers to live out their full potential.
00:01:41Well, I was kind of hoping it might inspire them to open up their wallets and buy our magazine.
00:01:45Right, yes, that too.
00:01:47Okay, so now that's settled, I expect a copy of the February lookbook on my desk tonight.
00:01:52I'll need it before you take off on your little Christmas vacation.
00:01:54Of course.
00:01:55Oh, and Ember, enjoy yourself.
00:01:58You earned it.
00:01:59Thanks, Carol.
00:02:01Carol, Merry Christmas.
00:02:05Merry Christmas to you too, Ember.
00:02:18Beauty. Purpose.
00:02:26What are you still doing here? I thought you were taking off.
00:02:29Just working on the February lookbook. Carol's request.
00:02:32Lookbook? More like storybook.
00:02:34I have never seen so many different types of pencils.
00:02:38Oh, there's my rosy pink.
00:02:40You are the only graphic designer I know who still uses paper and pencils.
00:02:45Your drawings are incredible.
00:02:48Doing these lookbooks is my only opportunity to experiment.
00:02:50Otherwise, it's just the same thing month after month. Wash, rinse, repeat.
00:02:53Uh-oh, here we go.
00:02:55Well, it's true. We find a trend, we jump on it, create a cover.
00:02:58One that's shiny and bright, one that sells.
00:03:00Em, selling magazines is what we do.
00:03:02I know.
00:03:03I just wish for once our designs could be motivated by something more than a bottom line.
00:03:07Well, look at the bright side. For the next ten days, you will be free of this place
00:03:11Well, look at the bright side. For the next ten days, you will be free of this place
00:03:14and you get to just draw to a heart's content.
00:03:16I'm not so sure. I have a feeling there's going to be a lot to do.
00:03:20Either way, I just wanted to come wish you luck.
00:03:22I know you've had a lot on your plate since your grandma passed away.
00:03:26You know, coming to New York was a great opportunity but
00:03:29I kind of wish I would have had the chance to go home more.
00:03:32The farm's not going to be the same without her.
00:03:35Well, maybe it'll make it easier to let it go.
00:03:38I hope so.
00:03:39Because selling it has been the hardest decision of my life.
00:03:42Will your parents be there to help you?
00:03:44I wish.
00:03:45Now that they're retired, they're off somewhere in the Italian Riviera.
00:03:48Oh. Well, in that case, if you need anything, just call me.
00:03:52I will be on the next flight.
00:03:54Colorado, here I come.
00:03:56Thanks, Laura. You're the best.
00:03:58Don't stay too late.
00:04:09I love you.
00:04:11I love you.
00:04:34My darling Ember,
00:04:36may the spirit of Christmas encourage you to color outside the lines
00:04:40and face the unexpected with an open heart.
00:04:43Love, Grandma.
00:04:46Grandma, you were always full of surprises, weren't you?
00:05:10I love you.
00:05:41Um, hi.
00:05:46Excuse me.
00:05:49Hello, excuse me, sir.
00:05:57You out of your mind?
00:05:59You could have knocked me off the ladder.
00:06:01Well, you almost knocked me out with all that snow,
00:06:03so maybe you should be more careful.
00:06:05Well, my apologies.
00:06:07No one lives here.
00:06:08The place doesn't open until 10, so I assumed it was in the clear.
00:06:11Well, you assumed wrong.
00:06:13Oh. Well, look, I'm sorry.
00:06:16Come back in 30 minutes, I'll help you pick out the perfect tree.
00:06:19That's funny. I'm not here to buy a tree.
00:06:24Well, then you're barking up the wrong ladder.
00:06:26Kidding. I'm kidding.
00:06:28I'm Brandon.
00:06:30You must be Ember.
00:06:33Grace's granddaughter.
00:06:35How did you know that?
00:06:36Well, I'm the caretaker here.
00:06:38I finished setting this place up for you.
00:06:40Grace talked about you all the time.
00:06:42You seem really close.
00:06:44We were very close, which is why I'm surprised I've never even heard of you.
00:06:47I just moved here earlier this year.
00:06:51Okay. Uh, I'm gonna go back inside, and you are free to go home.
00:06:55Uh, actually, I don't go anywhere until 5 p.m.
00:06:58When we close up for the day.
00:07:01Listen, Brandon.
00:07:03I'm sure my grandmother would have really appreciated you staying to help out,
00:07:07but I've got it from here.
00:07:56So, what exactly is your plan, if you don't mind me asking?
00:07:59Oh, I see you just let yourself in.
00:08:01Yeah, I think you're really underestimating how much work it takes to run this place on your own.
00:08:05Run this place?
00:08:07I'm only here until Christmas. I barely have enough time to get it ready to sell.
00:08:10I'm not renting anything.
00:08:12So you're selling?
00:08:14Yes, if you must know.
00:08:16I am selling the farm.
00:08:18Well, working here is my livelihood,
00:08:20so you can't just show up and fire me out of the blue,
00:08:22because I've got some snow on your jacket?
00:08:24You are not even supposed to be here.
00:08:26None of this was in the inheritance letter Grandma left.
00:08:28All I know is that Grace paid my salary until the end of the year before she passed.
00:08:32She told me to make sure this place was taken care of, and that's what I intend on doing.
00:08:35She did?
00:08:38Looks like she was hoping we could work together.
00:08:41Oh, of course.
00:08:44Embrace the unexpected.
00:08:46What's that from?
00:08:49Never mind.
00:08:51Well, if you'll excuse me, I've got a tree farm to open.
00:08:59You owe it to the town to stay open, Ember.
00:09:02At least until Christmas Eve.
00:09:19Knock, knock.
00:09:21There she is. Welcome home.
00:09:25Finally, a familiar face.
00:09:27Carol really keeps a tight leash on you.
00:09:29I'm surprised you got the time off of work.
00:09:31Well, it's only ten days, but it's sure nice to be home.
00:09:33I see you met Brandon.
00:09:35Oh, yes, I sure did.
00:09:36Not exactly a strong start?
00:09:38Well, I didn't even think there'd be anybody here, and I had no idea Grandma hired a caretaker.
00:09:41Well, you know your Grandma. She was always so independent.
00:09:44I'm sure she knew it would worry you, knowing that she needed extra help around the farm.
00:09:48You two will warm up to each other.
00:09:50He's a really nice guy, and your Grandma adored him.
00:09:54Well, I guess it was nice of him to stick around.
00:09:56Yeah, I'm sure you just got off on the wrong foot.
00:09:59Maybe you're right.
00:10:00I'm always right.
00:10:02Remember, I'm the brains. You're the talent.
00:10:05Speaking of talent, can we count you in for tomorrow?
00:10:08We're meeting to decorate the tree in the afternoon.
00:10:10What tree?
00:10:11The tree.
00:10:13In the town square?
00:10:15For the annual tree lighting ceremony?
00:10:17Grace made sure that the farm would donate its prize-winning tree again this year,
00:10:21to keep the tradition alive.
00:10:23Everyone in the town is so excited to see you do the countdown.
00:10:27Wait, they want me to do the countdown?
00:10:29Yeah. The mayor's expecting it.
00:10:32Oh, and that reminds me. People keep coming into the shop,
00:10:35asking me if you're going to host the annual Christmas Eve Farm Festival this year.
00:10:39What should I tell them?
00:10:40Oh, no. No, no, no, no, no, no. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
00:10:43What? What do you mean, no?
00:10:48It took my grandmother weeks to plan that festival.
00:10:51Besides, I'm meeting with a real estate agent tomorrow,
00:10:53and I'm sure he's going to give me a huge list of things that I have to do.
00:10:56Okay. What's really going on here?
00:10:59You used to love the tree lighting and the festival.
00:11:02The emperor I know would have been excited.
00:11:07I guess I just didn't know that I was going to have to face the town this quickly.
00:11:12And to be honest with you, I haven't even come to terms with selling this place myself yet.
00:11:19Well, you're going to have to face the town eventually. What better time?
00:11:24You and I both know that your grandma would have wanted you to follow your heart.
00:11:30If that means selling the farm, then that's okay.
00:11:33She always wanted you to follow your dreams.
00:11:35She never wanted to hold you back.
00:11:39You two always know the right thing to say.
00:11:43Now give the town some credit. They'll understand.
00:11:54Brandon, wait. I think we got off on the wrong foot.
00:11:58You don't say.
00:12:00I'm serious. Grandma clearly liked you enough to keep you around even after she was gone.
00:12:07And I appreciate you staying to help out around here. There, I said it.
00:12:12While you're at it, do you also want to maybe apologize for almost making me fall off a ladder?
00:12:17Okay, shoveling and wearing headphones was clearly unsafe.
00:12:21So was throwing snowballs at someone on a ladder.
00:12:26Wow, the tree barn sure got an upgrade.
00:12:30Grandma was always fixing that thing up, but I've never seen it look so good.
00:12:34Yeah, I'll have to finish it up. Refinish the siding, put on a new roof, new door, and make a new sign.
00:12:41You did all that?
00:12:42Sure did. Architect by trade, but woodworking's always been a passion of mine.
00:12:46What is an architect doing in Willow Hill?
00:12:49It's a long story.
00:12:52Oh, sorry. I didn't mean to pry.
00:12:55No, it's okay. So you're an artist?
00:12:59Kind of. I'm a graphic designer.
00:13:02Grace told me that you were an illustrator. Do you still draw?
00:13:06When I have the time. But right now it's more of a hobby.
00:13:10I love to draw.
00:13:13Oh, that's the first customers of the day. It's going to be a steady stream from here, so I should get back to work.
00:13:19Yeah, same. Lots to do.
00:13:40I'll see you later.
00:14:10I'm sorry.
00:14:40Willow Hill Christmas.
00:15:27Okay, that is for you.
00:15:31Thanks again for doing this, Jason. I really appreciate it.
00:15:34Of course. My Aunt Carol speaks very highly of you, so the pleasure's mine.
00:15:38Are you two close?
00:15:40Not exactly. She's a busy woman. You don't get to the top by mistake.
00:15:45Even though she's not around much, she's always been very supportive.
00:15:49She definitely takes care of her own.
00:15:51She does. So, she's saying you want a quick sale.
00:15:54Yes. The faster I can sell it, the faster I can get back to Manhattan and back to work, so.
00:15:59Okay. Well, it shouldn't be a problem. I already have a showing booked for later this afternoon.
00:16:03Wow. Already?
00:16:05Yeah. Properties like this don't hit the market very often.
00:16:06Fifty acres of riverfront land, not to mention all the buildings on the property.
00:16:11The possibilities are limitless.
00:16:14About that. I really don't want to slow down the process, but if it's possible,
00:16:20I would like to focus our efforts on a buyer who's willing to keep running the farm.
00:16:24Okay. Well, I can do my best, but if we're looking for a quick sale, we'll have to be flexible.
00:16:31Flexible. Right.
00:16:34Anyways, a couple of details to go over.
00:16:37Now, this is an important one to know, just off the top.
00:16:43Okay, so for the size of the room you're thinking about, I think this tree would be a perfect fit.
00:16:47So, as you can see, there is a lot of opportunity for future development.
00:16:52Just excuse me for a second. In the meantime, unlimited hot cocoa on us.
00:16:56Look, especially since Willow Hill is just a short commute to the city.
00:17:00Here, these are the property surveys for you to reference.
00:17:04And remember, the possibilities are limitless.
00:17:10He's right. Limitless is a word we use a lot here at Morley Tree Farm.
00:17:16Ah, good morning. And you are?
00:17:19I'm the caretaker of the property. No one knows this land better than I do.
00:17:22Well, actually.
00:17:24We have endless fields filled with beautiful old-growth trees, not to mention our farm and several heritage buildings.
00:17:28Which are all undesignated.
00:17:31I mean, they should be. The farm's over a hundred years old. It's an important part of Willow Hill history.
00:17:36Has he touched on our limitless supply of hot cocoa yet?
00:17:40No, we haven't gotten to that part yet.
00:17:43Well, that's a shame. Come with me. I will show you all of our farm's best-kept secrets.
00:17:52I'll go with that guy.
00:18:10Hey, you're early.
00:18:12I'm early because I want to show you something.
00:18:15Ooh, I love presents.
00:18:17An old storybook. Well, thanks. You shouldn't have.
00:18:21It is so much more than that. It's a Christmas storybook that my grandma and I were working on together.
00:18:25Ooh, you are speaking my language.
00:18:28I found it in an old box of my sketches that my grandma saved.
00:18:32We started it when I was just a little girl.
00:18:35Oh, but you never finished it.
00:18:39We wanted it to be just perfect.
00:18:42And then high school rolled around, and before I knew it I was off to college, and the rest is history.
00:18:48I just can't believe she saved it after all these years.
00:18:51It must have been very special to her.
00:18:52She loved drawing.
00:18:54You two are very similar like that.
00:18:56I know.
00:18:58When I found it last night, I'd only wished I'd taken the time to finish it with her, you know?
00:19:03Oh, Em.
00:19:05It's not too late.
00:19:07You should finish the book.
00:19:09It's easy for you to say. I am not a writer. I am a graphic designer.
00:19:13And a very talented illustrator.
00:19:15I don't know. My grandma was always a storyteller.
00:19:17It's worth a shot.
00:19:19What good's a storybook with no ending?
00:19:20Spoken like a true bookworm.
00:19:22Oh, and how's this for an idea?
00:19:25When you're done, you can read it to the children at the festival.
00:19:28I told you, I'm not doing the farm festival this year.
00:19:31Can't blame a girl for trying.
00:19:38Everything okay?
00:19:40Yeah, I don't know. I should probably go back to the farm.
00:19:44I'll meet you at the town square in a bit.
00:19:51Our specialty.
00:19:53Oh, uh, thanks.
00:19:55Now, a Morley tree farm tour would not be complete without hearing about-
00:20:02It's a woman herself, everyone. I would like to introduce you to Ember.
00:20:05She inherited the tree farm from her grandmother, Grace Morley.
00:20:08It's nice to meet you all.
00:20:10Brandon, can I steal you away for a moment?
00:20:13It's important.
00:20:17Enjoy the hot cocoa, everyone. I'll be right back.
00:20:19Enjoy the hot cocoa, everyone. I'll be right back.
00:20:28What do you think you're doing?
00:20:32By hijacking the showing?
00:20:34I know more about this place than a guy in a suit. Where did you find this guy?
00:20:36He's my boss's nephew. He's very well-connected. He's an up-and-comer.
00:20:39To the wrong types of people, Ember.
00:20:42Listen, if you can find someone who wants to buy this place and keep it open, be my guest.
00:20:46But until then, you need to stay out of Jason's way.
00:20:49Fine. But could you at least give me a heads up when there's going to be a showing?
00:20:54It's my home, too, after all.
00:20:56What are you talking about?
00:20:58I live here, in the caretaker's cabin on the north side of the property.
00:21:03I didn't know that Grandma was still renting that place out.
00:21:07It's a bit run down, but I offered to fix it up.
00:21:10I am the caretaker, after all, which is why I should know what's going on around here.
00:21:15Fine, but you need to stay out of Jason's way.
00:21:19It's a deal?
00:21:38Where should I put it?
00:21:40Right about there.
00:21:44Sorry I'm late. I had another little caretaker situation.
00:21:47Oh, speaking of caretaker.
00:21:50Hey, kiddo, I have someone I want you to meet.
00:21:52Oh, okay.
00:21:54This is my best friend, Ember.
00:21:57Ember, this is Emily.
00:21:59Hi, Ember.
00:22:01Hi, Emily.
00:22:03Emily is one of the stars in the Christmas pageant that I'm directing this year for the elementary school.
00:22:06She's also Brandon's daughter.
00:22:09Oh, you're Brandon's daughter.
00:22:11Wow, it's really nice to meet you, Emily.
00:22:14You want to help me with the popcorn garland?
00:22:17Sure, I'd love to.
00:22:26Dad always says to be very careful not to poke your finger.
00:22:35I didn't have much.
00:22:37You just need to stick in popcorn.
00:22:39And then you need to get it and then pull it.
00:22:43Like this.
00:22:47What are we making?
00:22:49We're making popcorn garlands.
00:22:51Oh, those look so yummy.
00:22:53We can eat them later.
00:22:55Oh, yeah? Okay.
00:22:57That's my dad.
00:22:59Yes, that's right.
00:23:08Due to circumstances...
00:23:11My decision...
00:23:13Oh, my goodness!
00:23:15Why would you sneak up on me like that?
00:23:17I'm going to pretend you didn't say that.
00:23:19Oh, yeah, okay.
00:23:21Are you okay?
00:23:23Yeah, I'm fine.
00:23:25This guy?
00:23:27Not so much.
00:23:30What's with the cue cards?
00:23:31Oh, um, nothing.
00:23:33I just get a little nervous when I speak publicly.
00:23:37You open some unsolicited advice?
00:23:40Don't worry about saying the wrong thing.
00:23:42Just speak from the heart.
00:23:44Maybe loosen that scarf a bit.
00:23:46It's kind of intimidating.
00:23:49Thank you for the fashion advice,
00:23:51but if you'll excuse me, I have some breathing exercises to do.
00:23:54Suit yourself.
00:24:11Where have you two been?
00:24:13You're about to miss Amber's feast.
00:24:15Sorry, honey, Jack needed help
00:24:17carrying in extra cookies from the bakery.
00:24:19If they were a hit, what could I say?
00:24:21They are delicious.
00:24:23Oh, speaking of.
00:24:25Hey, you.
00:24:27Thank you so much for coming.
00:24:29Oh, you're welcome.
00:24:33You're getting big.
00:24:35Oh, Christmas tree, oh, Christmas tree,
00:24:39how lovely are your branches.
00:24:44Oh, Christmas tree, oh, Christmas tree,
00:24:49how lovely are your branches.
00:24:57That was beautiful.
00:24:58And thank you everyone for joining us tonight.
00:25:02Now I'd like to bring on stage
00:25:04someone who I know you're all very excited to see.
00:25:07So without further ado, Amber Morley.
00:25:14Good evening, everyone.
00:25:16I'm so pleased to be back in Willow Hill tonight.
00:25:19As many of you may know,
00:25:21six months ago, my grandmother, Grace, passed away.
00:25:25I am honored to be here and take her place.
00:25:28Morley Tree Farm was so special to my grandmother
00:25:32and to my parents and myself,
00:25:35and I know so many of you as well.
00:25:39Which is why my decision to sell the farm
00:25:44has not been an easy one.
00:25:47I know this is not what you want to hear,
00:25:51but I want to be as transparent as possible.
00:25:54The farm will remain open for this season,
00:25:58thanks to Brandon.
00:26:01And I hope that you can all understand
00:26:03and that we can make this last Christmas
00:26:06at Morley Tree Farm a really good one.
00:26:09Oh, we have a question. Emily?
00:26:12What about the festival?
00:26:14That's right.
00:26:16Grace always loved hosting the annual Christmas Eve festival.
00:26:19It'd be a shame not to have one.
00:26:21I just don't know what to say.
00:26:24I just have so much on my plate,
00:26:26and it's only two days till Christmas Eve.
00:26:28I don't think I could pull it off.
00:26:32What if we all helped?
00:26:34We could make it the best festival ever.
00:26:37The biggest festival Willow Hill has ever seen.
00:26:40Grace would have wanted us to go out with a bang.
00:26:42She did so much for this town.
00:26:44It's the least we could do.
00:26:46We could all pitch in to help.
00:26:48Yeah, I'll pass around a sign-up sheet
00:26:50and anyone who wants to participate
00:26:52can add their name to the list.
00:26:54I'm okay with everyone
00:26:56because I know Christmas can be really busy.
00:26:58Well, who's up for the most epic
00:27:00Morley Tree Farm festival
00:27:02in the history of Willow Hill?
00:27:08Okay, everyone leave your email addresses
00:27:11and phone numbers and I'll be in touch.
00:27:13Now, what do you say we light up this tree?
00:27:16All right.
00:27:18Let's do it.
00:27:21All right.
00:27:22Three, two, one.
00:27:28Thank you so much.
00:27:32How's that list looking?
00:27:34Wow, I can't believe this many people
00:27:36signed up around the holidays.
00:27:38Yeah, well, when it comes to community
00:27:40nothing compares to Willow Hill.
00:27:42Oh, wow.
00:27:44Ernie signed up?
00:27:46That guy barely leaves his house.
00:27:48And Jack's making his signature
00:27:49and he doesn't have cookies and...
00:27:55Wait, what is it?
00:27:57Well, see for yourself.
00:27:59Wait, you signed us up for decorating
00:28:01and I thought that you were going to be setting up
00:28:03and I was going to be coordinating.
00:28:05I did not sign us up,
00:28:07but I think I know who did.
00:28:10Oh, I see.
00:28:12Yeah, looks like you got a new friend.
00:28:14Not going to disappoint a little girl, are you?
00:28:16I guess we ought to take one for the team.
00:28:17You know, she's not normally
00:28:19this sneaky about things.
00:28:21She must really like you.
00:28:24Honestly, ever since Grace passed
00:28:26I've been really worried about her.
00:28:28Doesn't have many women in her life.
00:28:30Where's her mother,
00:28:32if you don't mind me asking?
00:28:34She passed away a few years back.
00:28:36Oh, Brandon, I'm so sorry.
00:28:38No, it's okay.
00:28:40We're fine.
00:28:42Moving to Willow Hill has been good for us.
00:28:44Why Willow Hill?
00:28:45Well, I worked at an architectural firm in Boston
00:28:48and when Emily's mom passed
00:28:50I just realized something was missing.
00:28:52I wanted to work with my hands
00:28:54and I wanted to spend a lot more time with her.
00:28:56Plus, I wanted her to grow up
00:28:58around these gorgeous mountains
00:29:00and be in nature.
00:29:02Well, then this is definitely the right place
00:29:04if that's what you wanted.
00:29:06How did you find Willow Hill?
00:29:08Actually, my uncle owns a bakery on Main Street,
00:29:10so when I was a kid we visited him.
00:29:12Wait, Jack's Old Town Bakery?
00:29:13Jack is your uncle?
00:29:15Yeah, Jack is my uncle.
00:29:17Anyway, enough about me.
00:29:19Should probably get this little matchmaker home.
00:29:22Sugar's gonna wear off soon.
00:29:24Yes, that's probably a good idea.
00:29:26Great, so I'll see you tomorrow.
00:29:28I guess so. I'll see you tomorrow.
00:29:35You little monkey.
00:29:44Once upon a time
00:29:46in a magical hill far away
00:29:48a little girl lived
00:29:50in the forest she played.
00:30:13Come here.
00:30:46Ember, are you sitting down?
00:30:48Yeah, why?
00:30:50We're postponing your cover.
00:30:54Kara Jennings just dropped a new clothing line
00:30:57and we've been given the exclusive.
00:30:59But the deadline is on the 23rd for print.
00:31:01How are you going to get it in on time?
00:31:03Well, that's just the thing.
00:31:05I'm not sure I can make it.
00:31:07I'm not sure I can make it.
00:31:09I'm not sure I can make it.
00:31:11I'm not sure I can make it.
00:31:13You're kidding. I'm not.
00:31:15You are.
00:31:17I know that you thought
00:31:19you'd have this holiday time all to yourself
00:31:21and I really wish things could have gone as planned
00:31:23But I need my star player.
00:31:26You know how these things go, Ember.
00:31:28We've got to stay on top.
00:31:30Your last cover was incredible.
00:31:32Now we need something next level.
00:31:36Of course. Anything you need.
00:31:40I'll have my assistant send over the photos
00:31:41the shoot tonight. And I need a mock-up on my desk, ASAP. Well, yesterday, if possible.
00:31:47You got it.
00:31:48And hopefully that nephew of mine can get a quick sale on that property. I need you back here.
00:31:53No offers yet.
00:31:56Okay, I'll keep you posted. Ciao.
00:32:12There, all done. You are officially the most Christmassy shop on the block.
00:32:15Ah, thanks for your help, son. Your favorite?
00:32:20Speaking of your favorite, Grace's granddaughter was in here this morning.
00:32:24Guess what she ordered?
00:32:25Jack, no. No, not again.
00:32:29Look, Cheskid's a beautiful girl who comes in here, orders a peppermint mocha and some
00:32:32ginger snaps. Doesn't mean we're soulmates.
00:32:35Why not? I mean, you have something in common. It's a start.
00:32:40I appreciate you trying to set me up. I really do.
00:32:42Okay, I'll admit, I made a mistake with the Pilates instructor and the dog walker.
00:32:47I just want things to happen naturally. If it's meant to be, it'll be.
00:32:54Suit yourself. But she certainly has fabulous taste in baked goods.
00:32:59Well, I will give her that.
00:33:06I know.
00:33:07You're the best.
00:33:09You made it!
00:33:21Of course I did. We have decorations to make.
00:33:24And I brought art supplies.
00:33:25Thanks. Come on. Dad made cookies.
00:33:34Hey, welcome to our humble abode.
00:33:37This place looks incredible.
00:33:39Yeah, thanks. I just took a new roof, a little TLC.
00:33:42And what about you? Are you in charge of the decorating?
00:33:45Sure am.
00:33:45Yeah, it's our first Christmas here in Willow Hill, so we wanted it to be extra special.
00:33:50Come on, I'm gonna show you my room.
00:33:52Oh, okay.
00:34:03Whoa, look.
00:34:05Wow, that one is really good. Mine is, uh, not so good.
00:34:12Mine is, uh...
00:34:17We need to work on your cut ratio.
00:34:19Come on, guys, let's make some more.
00:34:32Hey, what's this?
00:34:33That's my sketchbook.
00:34:35I take it everywhere with me in case I come up with an idea.
00:34:38Emily, don't be nosy.
00:34:39No, it's okay.
00:34:43Wow, these are really good.
00:34:47How'd you learn to draw so good?
00:34:49Grandma Grace taught me, and then I went and studied illustrating in college.
00:34:55To become a graphic designer?
00:34:57I switched to graphic design. There's more work in that field.
00:35:01I wish I could draw like you.
00:35:05How about this? You teach me how to make a proper snowflake,
00:35:09and I will teach you how to draw the snowman.
00:35:11Really? Okay, it's a deal.
00:35:14And I will focus on adding some glitter.
00:35:18I think that's a really good idea.
00:35:23That is low. You know how hard that stuff is to get off?
00:35:27It's time for Christmas.
00:35:34Wow, can you guys believe we made those?
00:35:37Yeah, and all it took was a little paper and some teamwork.
00:35:40They are gonna look so good at the festival.
00:35:42They really are.
00:35:43I sure hope it snows on Christmas Eve. I love the snow.
00:35:48Me too. You know, my grandma used to say that every time a snowflake hit your skin,
00:35:53it delivered a little bit of Christmas magic.
00:35:56Yep. She said that the snowflake's job is to deliver Christmas spirit.
00:36:00What about after Christmas?
00:36:02Well, the snowflake was there to remind you to keep that spirit alive.
00:36:06And to enjoy the moment.
00:36:09I overheard Grace telling me I should visit your kids once.
00:36:13Well, I hate to say it, kiddo, but it's past your bedtime.
00:36:17Okay, fine.
00:36:19We've got another rehearsal for the pageant tomorrow.
00:36:21It's gonna come before you know it, and you need your beauty sleep.
00:36:23Oh, exciting.
00:36:25And nerve-wracking.
00:36:27I'm playing the late Christmas elf. I have so many lines to memorize.
00:36:33I'm sure you're gonna do a great job.
00:36:35You seem like you learn things really fast.
00:36:37You're already better than I am at drawing snowmen.
00:36:40Thanks, Amber. I hope so.
00:36:43Well, kiddo, my little elf, it is time for bed.
00:36:47Off we go.
00:36:51Good night, Amber.
00:36:53Good night, Emily.
00:36:56It's pretty cool that Emily is starring in the Christmas pageant.
00:37:10Yeah, I was really surprised when she asked to audition.
00:37:13She said you wanted to try something new.
00:37:15How's she feeling about it?
00:37:17She seemed a little nervous when you brought it up.
00:37:19Well, I mean, the auditioning was great.
00:37:21She's a natural, but getting up on stage in front of all her friends and family?
00:37:25Ah, stage fright. I know it well.
00:37:29I bet she'll feel better by the time the pageant rolls around.
00:37:32At the end of the day, I'm just really proud of her for trying something new.
00:37:36You know, she really enjoyed having you here tonight.
00:37:40And so did I.
00:37:44Even though you're washing glitter out of my hair for the next week.
00:37:48Well, at least it's Christmas, so you'll just look festive.
00:37:54Maybe I can be a decoration in the festival?
00:38:04Listen, thank you so much for coming tonight.
00:38:08Thanks for having me.
00:38:17Get your bag.
00:38:24I don't have to do.
00:38:40Morley Tree Farm Festival.
00:38:54Oh, hey, that's their doorknob.
00:38:57How are they supposed to get inside now?
00:39:00Oh, you are ruthless.
00:39:07Dad, can I ask you something?
00:39:11Yeah, sure, sweetie. What's on your mind?
00:39:14Where are we going to live when Amber sells the farm?
00:39:17Honey, you don't need to worry about that.
00:39:20I like our house.
00:39:24You know, I have got some money set aside,
00:39:27and we are going to find the perfect house for you and me.
00:39:30I promise.
00:39:31Can't we just buy this house?
00:39:35I wish it was that simple.
00:39:37Can you try?
00:39:42I will try, but I can't make any promises, OK?
00:39:46But just know that no matter where we are, as long as we're together, we're home.
00:39:52Thanks, Dad. I know you can do it.
00:39:58Let's decorate this house, huh?
00:40:01What do you want to do?
00:40:02Um, why don't we put these ones?
00:40:05I think if we put them in the garden, they'd be nice on the rocks.
00:40:15Don't eat.
00:40:19Who needs this many rip-offs?
00:40:21It happens.
00:40:42En garde!
00:40:43Oh, you got me!
00:40:48What are you guys doing?
00:40:49We're going to make Christmas wreaths.
00:40:51We thought we'd use the fallen branches to make them.
00:40:53We're selling them around town to raise money for the community toy drive.
00:40:56You want to help us?
00:40:58I can teach you how.
00:40:59It's fun.
00:41:00I was just in the middle of going through my grandma's stuff.
00:41:03I should probably get back.
00:41:04Oh, come on.
00:41:05I'll be finished backing up when we're done.
00:41:08Well, there are some pretty heavy boxes in the attic I could use some help with.
00:41:12First steps, collect branches, like this one.
00:41:15This one's perfect.
00:41:16OK, got it.
00:41:18Come on, let's go.
00:41:21Let's go.
00:41:29Here we go.
00:41:30Grandma sure loved her bows.
00:41:32Wow, these are perfect.
00:41:35So these are actually really simple to make.
00:41:37Just grab an assortment of fir branches, like so.
00:41:40Make them into a bundle.
00:41:41And then you place them on the frame.
00:41:44And then just wrap some wire around it tightly.
00:41:47OK, like this?
00:41:49Yeah, yeah.
00:41:50Kind of, kind of.
00:41:51Here, I'll tell you what.
00:41:52I, uh, I'll hold the branches for you and wrap them, so.
00:41:58Don't worry, you'll get paying this.
00:42:01Yes, she will.
00:42:01Well, especially since we have 15 of these to make.
00:42:04So that's five each.
00:42:06We better get moving.
00:42:20Oh, I love that.
00:42:33It keeps going.
00:42:37We can rap at her.
00:42:41Who knew building reefs could be so much fun?
00:42:43And it's a great way to use up old branches.
00:42:48Hey, kiddo.
00:42:49You ready to get going?
00:42:50Hey, Meg.
00:42:51Thank you so much for taking her to rehearsal for me.
00:42:53Not a problem.
00:42:55Looks like you guys have been busy.
00:42:58Is my wreath ready?
00:42:59Sure is.
00:43:00That one's for me?
00:43:02This is going to look so great at the store.
00:43:06All right, let's get going.
00:43:09Bye, guys.
00:43:09Bye, Emily.
00:43:12Bye, Dad.
00:43:22You weren't kidding.
00:43:23Some of these boxes are kind of heavy.
00:43:26I had no idea art supplies can weigh so much.
00:43:29That one's cute.
00:43:33Is this Grace's?
00:43:38Farm really inspired her work, huh?
00:43:43I remember her drawing that one.
00:43:45When I was a little girl, I used to follow her around
00:43:47and just look over her shoulder and try to do exactly what she did,
00:43:50but my lines were never as straight as hers.
00:43:53I'd get frustrated and try to erase my work,
00:43:56and she'd say,
00:43:57no, accidents are a good thing.
00:43:59They can turn into something beautiful and unexpected.
00:44:03Happy accidents.
00:44:06Well, I would say that she taught you very well.
00:44:10Your work's incredible.
00:44:12I had no idea you were working on a storybook.
00:44:14It's nothing.
00:44:15It's something we started when I was really little.
00:44:16No, this is not nothing.
00:44:17This is gorgeous.
00:44:19Yeah, you like it?
00:44:21Emily would love this.
00:44:22I thought that drawing was a hobby for you.
00:44:25I'm not sure I'm going to be able to do it.
00:44:27I'm not sure I'm going to be able to do it.
00:44:29I'm not sure I'm going to be able to do it.
00:44:31I'm not sure I'm going to be able to do it.
00:44:33I'm not sure I'm going to be able to do it.
00:44:36It is, but...
00:44:37I mean, I love drawing.
00:44:38I miss the feeling of pencil on paper
00:44:40and creating something out of nothing.
00:44:43But I got promoted about a year ago,
00:44:45and I haven't had time for anything but work.
00:44:50Well, I get that.
00:44:52That's why when I moved from the city,
00:44:54I made a vow to myself that I would always make time
00:44:57for the things that I love.
00:45:35Tell me again what Carol said.
00:45:38She said, and I quote,
00:45:40our competition is going to eat us alive if this goes to print.
00:45:44I worked for months on that cover.
00:45:46There is no way I can create something better overnight.
00:45:48I know. I'm sorry.
00:45:50I wanted to give you a heads up.
00:45:52Great. Now I have to start from scratch.
00:45:55Unless you want to take the lead on this one.
00:45:59What? Me?
00:46:01I could... I mean, I do have some ideas.
00:46:05But Carol would never let me.
00:46:08She doesn't have to know.
00:46:09We'll work together on it, and if she likes it,
00:46:11I will make sure you get the credit you deserve.
00:46:13Maybe I'd finally get in her good books.
00:46:15If you can impress Carol, you deserve a gold medal as far as I'm concerned.
00:46:18Oh, I like it. Farm Life has changed you.
00:46:22For the better, I hope.
00:46:24I'll get a mock-up to you ASAP.
00:46:26Thank you so much, Laura. You're a life saver.
00:46:40Brendan! Good morning. What are you doing here?
00:46:43The sink wasn't working, so Jack asked me to come by and take a look.
00:46:49Thank goodness. It's working.
00:46:51Good morning, Ms. Morley.
00:46:52Good morning, Jack. I just brought some posters for the festival.
00:46:55Oh, thanks, Emma.
00:46:57Can I get you both a couple of peppermint mochas on the house?
00:47:01Uh, well, I really do have to get going, but you know I can't turn down one of your peppermint mochas.
00:47:06Comes right up.
00:47:08So, where are you off to next?
00:47:10I told Megan that I'd help her with the dress rehearsal.
00:47:13Oh, that's great. Emily's going to be so happy to see you.
00:47:16Hopefully she's feeling a bit better.
00:47:18What's wrong?
00:47:19She's still pretty nervous about the play.
00:47:22Maybe I can help her.
00:47:24Maybe I can help her. Give her a few pointers of things that help me when I'm anxious.
00:47:28Would you? That would mean so much to me.
00:47:30Of course.
00:47:34Thanks, Jack. All right, I better get going. See you guys later.
00:47:38Yeah, I'll catch up in a bit. I told Megan and Craig I'd help fix the bell on the shop door, and then I'll swing by right after.
00:47:44Okay, well, I guess I'll see you soon then.
00:47:51You two seem very friendly.
00:47:53Ah, Dad, Jack, don't even get started. Like, she's heading out of town in a couple days.
00:47:57Yeah, whatever you say. Thanks for your help.
00:48:00You're welcome.
00:48:02You don't have anything else around that needs fixing up, do you?
00:48:04Why? You're short of cash. You know you can always come to me if you and Emily need it.
00:48:08I'm trying to buy the farm.
00:48:10Oh. Wow.
00:48:12I have to fix a lot of things to make that happen.
00:48:14Well, have you booked a meeting with Shirley at the bank yet?
00:48:17I have, and I've applied for a pre-approval on the mortgage, and she said she'd call in a couple days.
00:48:21Have you told Amber?
00:48:22No, I can't put that on her. She has so much on her plate, and she promised to let me know if there's an offer on the farm.
00:48:28And Brandon?
00:48:29Look, if the loan's approved, I'll let her know. I just don't want to cause any more drama.
00:48:34Plus, it's going to pretty much take a miracle to pull this off.
00:48:37Well, Christmas in Willow Hill's the right time for a miracle. And your secret's safe with me.
00:48:46Thanks, Jack.
00:48:53Hi, Emily.
00:48:57Everything okay?
00:48:59I guess.
00:49:03Is this about the show tomorrow night?
00:49:06Well, Megan's really counting on me. I'm playing the head elf.
00:49:11But every time I think they'll get up on stage, I blink.
00:49:16You're going to do great.
00:49:18You know what? Come on. We have a little bit of time before the dress rehearsal starts, and I have an idea.
00:49:26When I was your age, I couldn't bear the thought of getting up on stage. And if I would, I would blink.
00:49:34Really? Why are you so confident?
00:49:36Well, that's because I'm a good dancer.
00:49:38I'm a good dancer.
00:49:39I'm a good dancer.
00:49:40I'm a good dancer.
00:49:41I'm a good dancer.
00:49:42I'm a good dancer.
00:49:43I'm a good dancer.
00:49:44I'm a good dancer.
00:49:45I'm a good dancer.
00:49:46Why are you so confident?
00:49:47Well, that's because I came up with a few tricks to help myself out.
00:49:51First of all, I would make sure that I would pick a point in the back of the room or find a person to look at when I would walk out.
00:50:00Shouldn't I look at everyone?
00:50:02Well, that's the beauty of it. It'll look like you are.
00:50:11But what if I come out and forget all my lines? Everyone will laugh.
00:50:16Well, that's the next trick. You need to remember that nobody in the audience knows the lines except for you.
00:50:25What do you mean?
00:50:26Well, if you make a mistake, you just have to keep going and pretend it was all a part of the plan.
00:50:31Are you sure that'll work?
00:50:33Yeah. Acting is kind of like drawing.
00:50:36If you make a mistake, you can use the opportunity to turn it into something even better.
00:50:40Like a happy accident.
00:50:43Okay, now we need to talk about before you come out on stage.
00:50:47You have to engage your body.
00:50:49If you look anxious, then you're going to be anxious.
00:50:51So you have to do a power pose like this.
00:50:55Or this.
00:50:56Or you can even dance like this.
00:51:02Or dance.
00:51:08Or dance.
00:51:17Okay, so things are looking good. We've had several inquiries.
00:51:21But no offers. I'm surprised. I thought we priced for a quick sale.
00:51:25Well, it's priced competitively, and it is the holiday season after all.
00:51:29That's right. Maybe now's not the best time to sell.
00:51:32Well, let's not jump to conclusions. It's only been on the market for a week.
00:51:38And listen, I wasn't going to mention this because I don't want us to get ahead of ourselves, but I did have a call from a developer in Maine.
00:51:47Oh, a developer.
00:51:50What did they say?
00:51:52He's interested.
00:51:53He's interested.
00:51:55I wouldn't get your hopes up. These kind of buyers tend to come and go.
00:51:58But, something.
00:52:08Hey, Brendan.
00:52:09Hey, Mayor Wanda just called. She's wondering what time the festival planning meeting is tomorrow.
00:52:13Oh, I'll be meeting her there at two o'clock. Can you let her know?
00:52:16Sure. Oh, hey, I also heard that you had a meeting with the real estate agent today.
00:52:21You did?
00:52:22Yeah, word travels fast when you live in a small town.
00:52:25Yeah, you know, I just didn't want to worry you, but I promise I'll let you know if I get any offers, okay?
00:52:32Okay. So, still nothing?
00:52:35Nada. But, I better let you go. I've got to talk timing with the craft vendors and coordinate all the volunteers.
00:52:42Okay. Before you do, Emily was wanting me to... I... I... I was wanting to ask.
00:52:50Ask me what?
00:52:52If... if you'd like to be my date for the pageant tonight.
00:52:58I would love to.
00:53:00Great. Pick up at seven.
00:53:03Okay. I'll see you then.
00:53:23Hi. Let me get my purse so we can get out of here.
00:53:38You look beautiful, Em.
00:53:42Too beautiful.
00:53:46Yeah, I'm sorry, but I can't let you go dressed like that.
00:53:49Oh, everyone dresses up when they go to the theater. I just wanted to blend in.
00:53:53It's a bit of a tradition around here to wear ugly Christmas sweaters to the pageant. Huh?
00:53:59Darn, I forgot mine at home.
00:54:01That's okay, because I've got spares.
00:54:06Stockings or reindeer?
00:54:19Hey. Hi.
00:54:29I thought you said it was a tradition to wear Christmas sweaters.
00:54:31Yeah, it's kind of a new tradition. It'll catch on.
00:54:36Traditions have to start somewhere.
00:54:39It's starting.
00:54:40Good evening, everyone. We are so happy you could all be here with us tonight.
00:54:46The kids have worked really hard to prepare for tonight's performance.
00:54:49So without further ado, I present to you, The Littlest Elves.
00:55:08You got this.
00:55:09You got this.
00:55:13I demand to speak to Santa.
00:55:19I may be the lowest elf, but I'm certainly not the quietest.
00:55:33There's my little superstar.
00:55:36You were incredible up there.
00:55:38I couldn't have done it without you, Amber.
00:55:40No, you had it in you all along.
00:55:42Santa's got nothing on you, kiddo.
00:55:44Thanks, Uncle Jack.
00:55:46Whoa, did we miss the ugly Christmas sweater memo or something?
00:55:49It's kind of a new tradition.
00:55:52Oh, no.
00:55:54What did you guys think?
00:55:55Oh, it was amazing. You did so good.
00:55:58Aren't the kids great? They're lucky to have such an amazing director.
00:56:02I can't wait until next year.
00:56:05Well, you won't have to.
00:56:07The principal loved the performance.
00:56:09They want me to revive the after-school theater program.
00:56:13Yeah, our next play is going to be Valentine's Day.
00:56:15Auditions are the first week of January.
00:56:19Looks like the beginning of a long journey for you, little lady.
00:56:23Sure is.
00:56:24But first, let's get you out of that elf costume.
00:56:33She's amazing.
00:56:37And that part where the elf and Santa switch spots.
00:56:40That was my favorite part.
00:56:43Emily was so good.
00:56:45Do you think she got her acting chops from you?
00:56:47Oh, no way. That was probably her mother.
00:56:51She has a big personality.
00:56:53Never afraid of anything.
00:56:55You guys must really miss her.
00:56:57We do.
00:56:58Especially at Christmas.
00:57:00It must be really hard.
00:57:01It is.
00:57:03But we have each other.
00:57:07Though Jack, he seems to think I need to get back out there.
00:57:11Keeps trying to set me up with people.
00:57:13I may have noticed that with the peppermint mochas.
00:57:15Yeah, anytime a woman comes to the shop and orders my favorite drink,
00:57:18he thinks that we're meant to be soulmates.
00:57:20I've only loved her that simple.
00:57:21At first, I thought it was worth a shot, but I...
00:57:24These things, I think they just have to happen in their own time, naturally.
00:57:28You know, I think that's what I've always been waiting for,
00:57:30but working at the magazine so much,
00:57:32I'm just scared that it's never going to happen.
00:57:35Well, maybe sometimes you just need to get away from it all.
00:57:43Watching Emily today was really special.
00:57:45I'm glad I was here for it.
00:57:47Watching her come out of her shell was incredible.
00:57:51You know what else was pretty special?
00:57:55Sharing it with you.
00:58:06Did you hear that?
00:58:07Uh-huh. Was that your stomach?
00:58:10Don't be silly.
00:58:13Maybe we should get going.
00:58:14Yeah, you're right. We should probably get going.
00:58:19Who's that little elf?
00:58:25Laura, this is incredible.
00:58:27Don't play with me like that, Em. I can handle it. Be ruthless.
00:58:31No, I'm serious. This is the one.
00:58:34I hope Carol agrees.
00:58:36Otherwise, you're going to have to rethink selling the farm.
00:58:38Is there an extra bedroom for me when we both lose our jobs?
00:58:42Wow, that escalated quickly.
00:58:44When did you become so talented?
00:58:46Can you blame me? I guess I just learned from the best.
00:58:49Uh-oh. I know that look.
00:58:54Don't what me. I know when your heart's all aflutter.
00:58:58Spill the beans. Who is it?
00:59:00It's the caretaker, isn't it?
00:59:04Yeah, okay. Maybe you're right.
00:59:07One peppermint mocha? Uh-oh. I know that look.
00:59:11What look?
00:59:12I don't know.
00:59:13One peppermint mocha? Uh-oh. I know that look.
00:59:17What look?
00:59:18Don't what look me. You're smitten.
00:59:23Who are you trying to fool, son?
00:59:26You are telling me that you both wore Christmas sweaters to his daughter's Christmas pageant?
00:59:33Sounds like you two are hitting it off.
00:59:35Yeah, we are, but I don't know. It's complicated.
00:59:39I'm going back to Manhattan soon, and he has a daughter, and I just don't want to hurt either of them.
00:59:43Stop overthinking it. If you like this guy and it's meant to be, you'll make it work. You always do.
00:59:57Okay, so, two days till Christmas Eve. How's everyone doing on their contributions?
01:00:01I got my entire team baking around the clock.
01:00:04And I'll be hosting the gingerbread house-making contest. First prize, of course, will be a gift card to Jax.
01:00:10We made loads of decorations.
01:00:13And Meg and I are going to set up a Christmas story time booth.
01:00:16Okay, we've got a craft table, games, and of course, local vendors for all those last-minute shoppers.
01:00:22That's right. I reached out to all the local potters, jewelers, craft vendors. There will be something for everyone.
01:00:28Oh, and I almost forgot. Brandon, you'll be dressing up as Santa and handing out gifts.
01:00:32Uh, I'm doing what now? I thought I was helping with setup.
01:00:35That's what it says right here.
01:00:38Huh. Something tells me I know who's behind that.
01:00:45You'll be booth 11.
01:00:52We'll be setting up tomorrow.
01:00:54Okay. I will see you then. Bye-bye.
01:00:58Hey. I was just wrapping things up. Saw you left the clipboard. I thought you might want that.
01:01:04Thanks. Where's Emily?
01:01:06She's having a sleepover with Megan right now, though I doubt they're going to be sleeping much.
01:01:10Pretty sure she's more excited about the festival than she's about Christmas.
01:01:13Oh, I love that. Kids have such an excitement for life.
01:01:16What about you? You excited about the festival?
01:01:19Yeah, of course. I'm just feeling a little overwhelmed. I've got a lot to do, to be honest.
01:01:24Huh. Well, it sounds like you need a break, then.
01:01:27A break?
01:01:28Yeah. I know just the place.
01:01:30Wait, right now?
01:01:31Yeah. Now. Come on. Let's go.
01:01:34Come on, huh?
01:01:35Okay, okay, okay. Fine.
01:01:43You promise no Christmas sweaters this time?
01:01:46I promise.
01:01:55I can't believe we have this entire place to ourselves. How did you score this?
01:02:00I did some work for the rink back in the spring.
01:02:03Wow. You really are the town's handyman, aren't you?
01:02:06I do what I can to help out.
01:02:10So you have skated before, right?
01:02:12Yeah, of course.
01:02:15I'm just a little bit rusty.
01:02:19Wow. I have not been here forever. Forgot how peaceful skating is.
01:02:25I've always loved skating. Spent hours on the ice. It's where I come when I want to just...
01:02:34Yeah. Exactly.
01:02:37What about you? Got some place in the city you go to escape?
01:02:40Uh, yeah. There's this pizza shop in Brooklyn.
01:02:44I do love pizza.
01:02:46Yeah, but...
01:02:49But what?
01:02:51I don't know. I'm just not ready to start thinking about going back to the city yet.
01:02:55To be honest with you, I didn't see myself there and working for a big corporation.
01:03:01Where did you see yourself?
01:03:04I guess... in a job that had more freedom.
01:03:08But with every promotion came more responsibility and less time for my family and doing the things that I love.
01:03:18Being here has made me realize that there's more to life than just... work.
01:03:25Well, this place has that effect on people.
01:03:27You and Emily, you are thriving. And seeing you together, day to day...
01:03:36I don't know. For the first time in a long time, I just feel like I'm...
01:03:40Feel like you're what?
01:03:43Part of a family.
01:03:46And it makes me wonder if I'm making the wrong decision.
01:03:51You can't think that way, Ember.
01:03:53Emily and I, this town, your parents, Meg and Craig, farmer or not, this community will carry on.
01:04:01And your life will too.
01:04:04What is it that you really want?
01:04:07Once you answer that, you'll know if you're making the right decision.
01:04:13How did you know what you wanted?
01:04:17Follow my heart.
01:04:20Follow my heart?
01:04:27You can be really cheesy, you know.
01:04:29Is cheesy your favorite pizza?
01:04:30Yeah, almost.
01:04:42I should probably get these skates off before it's too late.
01:04:45Yeah. Good idea.
01:05:16And we're dreaming again
01:05:23This is Christmas we love, we love
01:05:29For the whole town
01:05:40To see
01:05:45This is Christmas we love and remember
01:05:52This is Christmas we'll light up the fire
01:05:59This is Christmas again
01:06:10Carol, good morning.
01:06:13Ember, hi. Do you have a moment?
01:06:15Hi, Ember.
01:06:17Yes. Is this about the new cover?
01:06:19It is. I've just finished reviewing it.
01:06:24It's absolutely fantastic.
01:06:27We've approved it for print.
01:06:29Ember, you have really outdone yourself again.
01:06:33Well, actually, Carol, I have to tell you something.
01:06:36Laura helped me design this cover.
01:06:38In fact, Laura took the lead.
01:06:40Laura? Who's Laura?
01:06:43That'd be me.
01:06:46Laura helps me in the graphics department and she is very, very talented.
01:06:51Well, I'll keep that in mind.
01:06:53In the meantime, I've sent a contract to you for when you return home.
01:06:57We're opening a London office and I'd like to send you so that you can show them the ropes.
01:07:03What about New York?
01:07:04Well, you've proven to me that working remotely is not a problem for you.
01:07:08Who better than my MVP to get them up and running?
01:07:11The contract is in your inbox.
01:07:16Okay, let's get this off to the print department.
01:07:19Right, I'm on it.
01:07:20Oh, and Laura, Ember's lucky to have someone like you in her corner.
01:07:25Well done.
01:07:28Well done.
01:07:38You finishing up your Christmas shopping?
01:07:41This one's for my dad.
01:07:43Did someone say dad?
01:07:45Hey, no peeking.
01:07:50This one's for Ember. Think she'll like it?
01:07:53Oh, I think she'll love it. Especially since it's from you.
01:08:10Hey, Shirley. How's it going on that loan?
01:08:13I'm sorry, Brandon, but I've tried every possible route.
01:08:17Can't approve a loan for you at this time.
01:08:18Are you sure there's nothing else that we can do?
01:08:20We have a larger down payment. We just can't make this happen.
01:08:23I wish there was a way.
01:08:25Again, I'm so sorry.
01:08:26Yeah, thanks.
01:08:46Okay, so lunch is going to be just right over here. It is fantastic.
01:08:53Oh, there she is, the woman of the hour.
01:08:56Jason, what's going on?
01:08:58Well, I'd like to introduce you to Erin Braxton, the out-of-state buyer I was telling you about.
01:09:04How nice to meet you.
01:09:06Hi. This is my wife, Alexa.
01:09:08Nice to meet you, Ember.
01:09:09We were visiting family just a few towns over and thought what better time to take a walk through the property.
01:09:15Well, feel free to take a look around.
01:09:17Oh, I think we've seen enough. This place is exceptional.
01:09:22Oh, it's the perfect plot for what we had in mind. Plenty of room for growth.
01:09:27We were actually just going to draft up a contract over lunch if you'd like to join us.
01:09:32I'd love to, but everyone's working so hard getting ready for the farm festival tomorrow, so I should probably stay and help.
01:09:39Oh, so that's what's going on around here. Darling, we should come back tomorrow and we could bring the family.
01:09:47Looks like it's settled then. We'll be seeing you tomorrow evening.
01:09:50I look forward to it.
01:09:53Oh, by the way, I'm going to email you that contract in an hour, so I'm going to need your signature ASAP.
01:10:00Congratulations, Ember.
01:10:03Oh, hey, wait for me.
01:10:25The usual.
01:10:27Nah, I think this is a cinnamon bun type of night.
01:10:31Uh-oh. I know what that means. One cinnamon bun coming up.
01:10:39You think that cinnamon bun can solve all my problems?
01:10:41Cinnamon bun can fix almost everything.
01:10:45Okay, so why the long face? Is everything okay with Ember?
01:10:53Yeah, we're fine. I just came up short on my loan application.
01:10:57Oh, Brandon. I'm so sorry.
01:11:01That's okay. I knew it was a long shot. I'm just worried about how Emily's going to take it.
01:11:07Well, you promised her you'd try, and you did. You're a good father, Brandon.
01:11:23Oh, yeah, this cinnamon bun is delicious. I gotta bring one to Emily.
01:11:29Sure, I'll make her the bad news.
01:11:33What's this?
01:11:42It's for you. I want you to have it.
01:11:46Jack, I...
01:11:47We're family. And it's what Grace would have wanted.
01:11:51And there's no one better to continue the Morley Tree Farm legacy than you.
01:11:57But, Jack...
01:12:00I've already got everything I want here. And more. And then some.
01:12:04I've got a great space, a supportive community, you and Emily.
01:12:09I'm sorry. I...
01:12:12As much as I want to buy the tree farm, I just cannot take your charity.
01:12:18Consider me your silent partner.
01:12:20And there's plenty of things for you to fix up around here until you've paid me back.
01:12:39That's Amber. I, uh, I, um, I...
01:12:43I cannot wait to tell her. I gotta get out of here. I...
01:12:45Jack, you're a lifesaver.
01:12:52What about your cinnamon bun?
01:13:02Amber. Hey, I'm sorry I'm late to set up.
01:13:05Hey, no, it's okay.
01:13:07Yeah, I got your text. I actually need to talk to you too.
01:13:10I think maybe I should go first.
01:13:12No, no, no way. I cannot hold this in any longer.
01:13:15I want to buy the farm.
01:13:17What? I didn't know you were interested.
01:13:19Yeah, I know. It was a long shot with the bank at first. I didn't want to mention it to anyone to get their hopes up.
01:13:23You got approved?
01:13:25Yeah. I got the down payment.
01:13:28Oh, no.
01:13:30Why, Amber? What's wrong? This is good news.
01:13:36I sold the farm.
01:13:40I, uh... I don't understand. I, um...
01:13:45I thought you hadn't had a single offer.
01:13:47I hadn't, but then Jason mentioned that there was an out-of-state buyer interested a few days ago,
01:13:52and I didn't say anything to you because he said not to get my hopes up and that he'd probably lose interest.
01:13:57And then he showed up here this morning with the buyer, and he gave me an offer, and I couldn't turn it down.
01:14:02Why didn't you tell me what was going on?
01:14:04You promised to tell me if you had another offer, let alone sign it over to somebody.
01:14:08I didn't want to worry you. You knew that I was selling the farm.
01:14:12It's the 23rd. I have to get back to Manhattan.
01:14:15Right. You gotta get back to the city. I, um...
01:14:20I'm glad you could finally leave this all behind you.
01:14:23Brandon, come on. You know it's not like that.
01:14:32Come on.
01:14:48I just can't believe he didn't tell me that he wanted to buy the farm.
01:14:53Well, maybe he didn't want you to feel bad if he couldn't come up with the money in time.
01:15:00Yeah, but I just wish he would have told me sooner. None of this would have happened.
01:15:04Have you spoken to him since last night?
01:15:06No. He doesn't want to have anything to do with me.
01:15:09Oh, Em, I'm sure that's not true.
01:15:11When our paths crossed, I knew things weren't going to work out.
01:15:14But aren't you glad that they did? You two seem to have really enjoyed the last few weeks together.
01:15:21Now I feel terrible.
01:15:24I'm not sure I made the right decision in selling the farm.
01:15:27Brandon and Emily's morally tree farm journey was just beginning.
01:15:31And I've taken it away from them.
01:15:33Oh, Em. Their journey isn't ending here.
01:15:38When one door closes, another one opens. You have to believe that.
01:15:43It's kind of like in your book.
01:15:50And the little girl realized that there was more to Christmas than just a fancy tree.
01:15:56It was who you got to spend it with.
01:15:59There's more to life than just the tree farm, Em.
01:16:20Hey, Dad.
01:16:21Hey, kiddo.
01:16:23Are you okay?
01:16:24Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. What makes you ask that?
01:16:26You've been staying at that gingerbread house for a while.
01:16:32You can eat if you want. Not mine.
01:16:35No, I'm not too hungry. I was just thinking.
01:16:40I am so sorry that I couldn't make things work out with the farm.
01:16:44They did work out.
01:16:46What do you mean?
01:16:47Well, we may not get to stay, but we made a new friend.
01:16:54I hope we can visit Amber someday in the city. I'm really gonna miss her.
01:16:59Me too. Me too.
01:17:03You are so smart. You know that?
01:17:06Of course you know that.
01:17:08Thank you. Thank you.
01:17:35Hey, Em.
01:17:37You ready for story time?
01:17:39I don't know. Maybe this wasn't such a good idea.
01:17:43The kids are gonna love it.
01:17:45And what better way to say goodbye to the farm?
01:17:50Promise me you'll try to enjoy yourself tonight.
01:17:54I'll try. I don't know. I just...
01:17:56Don't let some moral ruin today.
01:18:00Enjoy the moment.
01:18:03Your grandma would be just so proud of you.
01:18:08Thanks, Meg.
01:18:10Come on, guys. It's story time.
01:18:14You heard the girl. Your audience awaits.
01:18:18Okay. Here goes nothing.
01:18:25Oh, my God.
01:18:32Here it is, said the girl, the star on the ground.
01:18:36It's finally time for our tree to be crowned.
01:18:43And as the star found its way to the top of the tree, it finally shone for the whole town to see.
01:18:54And when the little girl stopped and looked up at the tree, it was more than the star she was able to see.
01:19:00It was friends and family all gathered around, joining in, singing a beautiful sound.
01:19:13The end.
01:19:21That's so sweet.
01:19:31Thank you, ladies and gentlemen, for being here tonight and making this year's festival a huge success.
01:19:40Well deserved.
01:19:43And before we all go home tonight to wait for Santa, I'd like to bring Ember up here to say a few words.
01:19:59Thank you, everyone. And thank you so much for coming.
01:20:04My grandmother would have been so happy to see everybody here enjoying themselves tonight.
01:20:09My grandmother used to say that the best things in life are unexpected.
01:20:14And I have to say that never in my wildest dreams would I have expected that any of this would have happened.
01:20:21I came here to sell the farm.
01:20:24And what I found was so much more than that.
01:20:30I found community and family in each and every one of you.
01:20:39And although I came to sell the farm, I was welcomed with open arms.
01:20:46You taught me what it meant to belong and to be supported.
01:20:51Morley Tree Farm is more than just a plot of land.
01:20:56It's a community. And that community lives on.
01:21:01No matter what the future might bring.
01:21:04So, thank you and Merry Christmas!
01:21:23Before we head out, I wanted to thank you for inviting us.
01:21:27And congratulate you on that beautiful speech you gave.
01:21:30Your grandmother would have been very proud. You're a well-spoken young woman.
01:21:34Thank you. I was just speaking from my heart.
01:21:38Well, now it's my turn.
01:21:41I came to Willow Hill with a vision.
01:21:44I wanted to build a subdivision on a plot of land and start a new community.
01:21:49But what I didn't realize from the real estate listing was that the community already exists here at Morley Tree Farm.
01:21:57This place is the heart of Willow Hill.
01:22:00Ember, I know we have a contract.
01:22:03But I'm sorry to say I can't with any good conscience subdivide this farm.
01:22:09It just wouldn't be right.
01:22:11But, I mean...
01:22:13I hope we can settle on some sort of agreement for the inconvenience.
01:22:20I'm sure we can work something out.
01:22:26Maybe this might help.
01:22:29Braxton & Co.?
01:22:30It's my publishing company. You may have heard of us.
01:22:34Yeah, you're only the biggest publishing company in New York.
01:22:38I heard you reading the book to the children. And Megan told me that it was your work.
01:22:44My grandmother and I wrote it.
01:22:47Well, it is truly incredible. And the illustrations are like nothing we've ever seen before.
01:22:55I would love to present it to my partners.
01:22:57I think this is exactly the kind of story that would resonate with our family of readers.
01:23:02Alexa, this is incredible. I don't even know what to say.
01:23:06Good. Then it's settled. I will set up a meeting for us in the new year.
01:23:11I envision us working very well together.
01:23:15Would you just excuse me for a moment? There's someone who I have to talk to first.
01:23:20Of course. Absolutely.
01:23:28Brandon, wait up. There's something I have to tell you.
01:23:32Before you do, I want to say I'm sorry. I'm sorry for getting upset with you.
01:23:37I should have told you about my plan to try to buy the farm. I was just afraid.
01:23:42I knew that coming up with the money was near impossible, and the thought of disappointing Emily, it was just...
01:23:46Oh, stop. You shouldn't have to apologize. I should be the one who's sorry.
01:23:51I shouldn't have rushed into selling the farm without telling you first.
01:23:53We're really going to miss you when you head back to Manhattan.
01:23:57Well, that's the thing.
01:23:59What is?
01:24:01I quit my job.
01:24:04You did?
01:24:06Carol wanted to send me to London to open up the new European office,
01:24:09and being here has made me realize there's nowhere else that I'd rather be.
01:24:14Spending time with you and Emily has made me see that that's what we were meant to do.
01:24:20It has made me see that that's what was missing all along.
01:24:26Bonnie, I... I was just thinking the same thing.
01:24:32Is that what you wanted to tell me?
01:24:35I wanted to tell you that the farm's yours if you want it.
01:24:40Uh, what do you mean? How?
01:24:44Let's just call it a happy accident.
01:24:47Well, it looks like Jack was right.
01:24:50About what?
01:24:52I got my Christmas miracle after all.
01:24:56It's so exciting you're sticking around.
01:24:59That's exactly what that means.
01:25:04But do you think Santa will know where to find me?
01:25:08I am pretty sure that he will.
01:25:20Santa Claus is Coming To Town
01:25:50About the time
01:25:54It's Santa Claus
01:25:56He's coming down
01:25:58He's coming down
01:26:00About the time
01:26:16The Christmas lights are going bright
01:26:20Are glowing bright
01:26:23It's Santa Claus
01:26:26High in the sky
01:26:28High in the sky
01:26:32A thrill of hope
01:26:34A season bright
01:26:36A season bright
01:26:39It's Santa Claus
01:26:42High in the sky
01:26:44High in the sky
01:26:47Somebody waits for you
01:26:50You can feel you can fly
01:26:52Reach for the sky
01:26:54Somebody waits for you
01:26:57You can feel you can fly
01:26:59Reach for the sky
01:27:17Somebody waits for you
01:27:22Reach for the sky
01:27:24Somebody waits for you
01:27:32The Christmas lights are going bright
01:27:36Are glowing bright
01:27:39It's Santa Claus
01:27:42High in the sky
01:27:44High in the sky
01:27:47Somebody waits for you
01:27:50You can feel you can fly
01:27:52Reach for the sky
01:27:54Somebody waits for you
01:27:56You can feel you can fly
01:27:58Reach for the sky
01:28:00Somebody waits for you
01:28:02You can feel you can fly
01:28:04Reach for the sky
01:28:06Somebody waits for you
01:28:08You can feel you can fly
01:28:10Reach for the sky
01:28:12Somebody waits for you
01:28:14You can feel you can fly
01:28:16Reach for the sky
01:28:18Somebody waits for you
01:28:20You can feel you can fly