Bollywood actress Kriti Sanon is rumoured to be dating her Adipurush co-star Prabhas for some time now. Reports are rife that the much-in-love couple often spends time together but they have been taking things slow. Amidst all the speculations, Kriti's Bhediya co-star Varun Dhawan also dropped a major hint about her love life and revealed that she is dating someone. While Kriti's fans were bursting with joy after receiving an update about her love life, the actress shattered their hopes as she called her relationship rumours with Prabhas baseless. Watch Video To Know More
#KritiSanon #Prabhas #KritiReactionOnPrabhas #KritiOnWeddingRumours
#KritiSanon #Prabhas #KritiReactionOnPrabhas #KritiOnWeddingRumours