• 3 years ago
This busy little bee wags its tail to collect pollen from sunflowers as the winter fast approaches. Colder climates force these little creatures to work faster so they can produce enough honey for the winter. It consists of By comparison, a bee colony consists of 20,000 to 80,000 worker bees.

Bumblebees actually eat nectar. They cannot digest pollen. However, the pollen is used to produce honey that nourishes the colony during the winter.The bees secrete a waxy substance resembling scales from their abdomens. These flakes are collected and molded to form wax pots and cells for honey storage. Wax is sometimes used to coat the outside of the nest.

Among the bees, the bumblebee can fly at the lowest temperature. They have solitary nests and can shiver to keep themselves warm.
Honeybees are incredibly complex creatures, with brains made up of far fewer neurons than the human brain, but their ability to complete tasks and exercise cognitive abilities has led them to be called biological robots. often Many scientists have suggested that the honeybee's brain function makes it a better model for artificial intelligence than the human brain.

Bees are natural wonders and mesmerizing to see. And whether we love them or fear them, it's undeniable that we depend on them for survival.


