• 3 years ago
Pretty rockin' American psychedelic stuff from 1969. The guitars and the vocals are very impressive especially on the tracks "Sailing" and "Hunter's Moon." After listening to the album a few times, it grows on you and just want to rock out! If there is such a thing as psychedelic metal, "Hunter's Moon" perfects and embodies it. For the most part, it is a great slice of psychedelic hard rock from America. Give props to it's heaviness for 1969.
Excellent album. Every song is five stars, well maybe two are 4, but still better than 98% of late 60's bands. Many of the songs have dark riffs and thundering drums that are echoed in later Metal bands. It's a shame they didn't make any other records. The track Hunter's Moon was worth the price all by it's self.(By GhostWriter)
GhostWriter is right when he says that they didn't make another record, this group is absolutely awesome .How such a great group can disappear after only one album !!!

01. Paranoia
02. Sad Born Loser
03. What of I
04. She's Easy
05. Sailing
06. Providence Bummer
07. Evil Woman
08. Hunter's Moon

Reggie Wright - lead guitar
Denis Croce - vocals
Richard Croce - guitar
Chuck Maher - bass
Ralph Muscatelli - drums
