Kriyayoga_ Standing Recharging, Steps 1 to 3 _ Initiation Program _ Hindi & English

  • 2 years ago
Before starting Standing Recharging, locate head & spine, concentrate on Bhrumadhya, roll tongue backwards, visualize Life-force entering into Medulla and flowing to the brain & spinal cord to all parts of head to toes." - Guruji Swami Shree Yogi Satyam

Kriyayoga Standing Recharging (Energization Exercises)
Brief Explanation, in Hindi & English

Because of essential spiritual discipline and ancient yogic injunctions, a full explanation of Recharging may not be revealed throughout these videos. Each and every step is infinite in depth and dimension but it is not possible to fully describe them because it is beyond the scope of these videos which are meant for the general public. In the future with the advancement of spiritual awakening in human consciousness, Recharging will be explained in greater detail.

Complete knowledge of Recharging Steps is only possible when one enters into Savikalpa Samadhi and Nirvikalpa Samadhi.

If anyone knows complete Recharging, one will know all steps of Kriyayoga: Hong Sau, Om Technique, Mahamudra, Spinal magnetizing, etc.
