Icons: Will Wright's, The Sims - S01E09 - Full Documentary

  • 2 years ago
Icons is a documentary series that gives viewers the total run-down on the world of video games. The series provides in-depth coverage on topics ranging from behind-the-scenes looks at game developers, to profiles of industry giants and notorious figures in gaming, to a retrospective on the history of famous games.

Before they became a part of the biggest-selling PC video game franchise in the world, Will Wright's Sims games were met with skepticism by the very companies who would later launch them. Learn how Wright's endless curiosity led to one of the most curious series of games, how the term "God Game" was coined, and where the seemingly endless series of Sims games and expansion packs are leading. Industry insiders, fellow game creators and family members help Will Wright tell his compelling story.

Watch More "Icons: Video Games Documentaries" https://dailymotion.com/playlist/x7mp0j


