Not-so-fun facts about Daylight Saving Time

  • hace 2 años
If you're feeling a little bit off this morning, you're not alone; count our David Pogue among those still trying to make sense of Daylight Saving Time... Here are three fun facts about Daylight Saving Time! First, Benjamin Franklin did not invent it. He did write a letter to the editor in 1784, complaining about people who sleep past sunrise. "Let cannon be fired in every street, to wake the sluggards," he wrote.  It was a JOKE, people!  He also suggested taxing people who close their shutters in the morning, and putting a limit on how many candles you could buy. A joke.  Second fun fact: The actual inventor was a New Zealand entomologist, George Vernon Hudson, who wanted more daylight for hunting bugs. He suggested a two-hour shift every season. Count your blessings! And the third fun fact? It's actually Daylight SAVING Time. Not SAVINGS. It's just like "money-saving coupons" or "life-saving treatment." And yet, oddly, we don't use a hyphen. (OK, maybe that fact wasn't super-fun.) An


