Shadow Master Movie Trailer - Plot synopsis: Slain during a ferocious fight and reborn with supernatural powers, one man stands between demonic forces bent on hastening the Apocalypse and a ragtag group of apartment dwellers protecting their children from certain peril. SHADOW MASTER is an outrageous mix of haunted house chills and martial arts thrills featuring jaw-dropping fight choreography that rivals The Raid: Redemption and Ong Bak.
DirectorPearry Teo
WritersPearry Teo
ActorsD.Y. Sao, Layton Matthews, Brian Le, Luciana Faulhaber
GenreThriller, Action and Adventure
Run Time1 hour 30 minutes
DirectorPearry Teo
WritersPearry Teo
ActorsD.Y. Sao, Layton Matthews, Brian Le, Luciana Faulhaber
GenreThriller, Action and Adventure
Run Time1 hour 30 minutes
Short film