• 3 years ago
Lake City Quiet Pills refers to an unsolved mystery about the image-hosting site LakeCityQuietPills.com, suspected to have been run by Redditor/u/ReligionOfPeace (a.k.a. Milo). Some have speculated that Lake City Quiet Pills was a front for ex-military contract assassins, and have attempted to draw connections between the site and the assassination of Hamas officer Mahmoud al-Mabhouh in late January 2010. Some have also speculated that "quiet pills" is a slang expression referring to "bullets."

A mysterious user from Fark.com AngelTwoSix then appeared on the scene leaving behind even more mysterious messages.

Several Redditors found hidden in the HTML code, What Appeared to be job listings that soon changed to an unbreakable code.

to this day this internet mystery remains unexplained...

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