The Wealth and Poverty of Self-Sufficiency in Matthew 19:16-26

  • 2 years ago
When Yeshua told the rich young man that he needed to sell all his possessions and give them to the poor, he was actually telling him that he needed to stop relying on himself for his own salvation. If this had been a desert-dwelling ascetic, Yeshua might have told him to start a business and earn a lot of money in order to be saved. Wealth, poverty, obedience, traditions, and even self-reliance can be good things in the proper context, but if you are relying on any of them to earn you a place in the Kingdom of Heaven, you will be terribly disappointed when the gates are locked to you. Whatever it is that you feel makes you "good enough" is the one thing that you need to give up.

From Jay Carper at Common Sense Bible Study ( and American Torah (

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