Hunter Prey Adventure Mystery Action Movie || Hollywood
After crashing on a barren planet, commandos (Clark Bartram, Simon Potter) led by Cmdr. Karza (Isaac C. Singleton Jr.) are charged with finding and recapturing their one-time alien prisoner alive. But their group numbers begin to dwindle, one by one, as the alien sets traps for them. Lt. Centauri 7 (Damion Poitier) is determined to kill the alien, resulting in a standoff with the commander -- and deadly circumstances soon force the lieutenant to pursue the alien on his own.
After crashing on a barren planet, commandos (Clark Bartram, Simon Potter) led by Cmdr. Karza (Isaac C. Singleton Jr.) are charged with finding and recapturing their one-time alien prisoner alive. But their group numbers begin to dwindle, one by one, as the alien sets traps for them. Lt. Centauri 7 (Damion Poitier) is determined to kill the alien, resulting in a standoff with the commander -- and deadly circumstances soon force the lieutenant to pursue the alien on his own.
Short film