Ever since #MeToo accused Sajid Khan entered the Bigg Boss 16 house, he’s been in the news for all the controversial reasons. His entry on India’s one of the Bigg Boss has not only created an uproar on social media but has also got some people venting in anger. Recently, Mandana Karimi, a Bollywood actress who had accused Sajid of se*ual harassment, announced her withdrawal from the film industry in order to protest against his entry on Salman Khan’s show. Now Payal Rohatgi has reacted to the same. The actress’ announcement received huge support from netizens so much so that they have now been demanding his removal from the show.
#PayalRohatgi #PayalSupportSajid #MandanKarimi
#PayalRohatgi #PayalSupportSajid #MandanKarimi