Rogue Heroes - Plot Synopsis:ROGUE HEROES is a dramatized account of how the world's greatest Special Forces unit, the SAS, was formed under extraordinary circumstances in the darkest days of World War Two. Based on Ben Macintyre's best-selling book of the same name, the series centers on David Stirling, an eccentric young officer, who is hospitalized after a training exercise gone wrong. Convinced that traditional commando units don't work, Stirling creates a radical plan that flies in the face of all accepted rules of modern warfare. He fights for permission to recruit the toughest, boldest, and brightest soldiers for a small undercover unit that will create mayhem behind enemy lines. More rebels than soldiers, Stirling's team is every bit as complicated, flawed, and reckless as it is brave and heroic.
directed by Tom Shankland
starring Connor Swindells, Jack O'Connell, Alfie Allen, Sofia Boutella, Dominic West, Tom Glynn-Carney, Amir El-Masry, Theo Barklem-Biggs, Jacob Ifan, Miles Jupp, Cesar Domboy, Jacob McCarthy
release date Coming Soon, This Fall on EPIX
directed by Tom Shankland
starring Connor Swindells, Jack O'Connell, Alfie Allen, Sofia Boutella, Dominic West, Tom Glynn-Carney, Amir El-Masry, Theo Barklem-Biggs, Jacob Ifan, Miles Jupp, Cesar Domboy, Jacob McCarthy
release date Coming Soon, This Fall on EPIX