Record the doll's first injection - pets Manz

  • 2 years ago
Record the doll's first injection pets
The subject of this paper is a doll named Manz, who received her first injection as part of an experimental study. The injection was given by Dr. Kasey Little, a veterinarian at the University of California, Davis. The injection was an injection of the antibody Isoprinosine; this antibody is used in the treatment of cancer in dogs (Manz is a canine). The purpose of the injection was to determine if it is safe and effective to use in humans to treat gliomas, a common type of brain cancer that attacks the human nervous system. This type of cancer currently has no cure; therefore, finding an effective treatment is a high priority for scientists and physicians throughout the world.
The following will be a record of the events leading up to the injection and subsequent events that have occurred since the injection was administered. This will be recorded by me, the owner of the doll and primary caretaker
The day prior to the first injection: I was at work when I received a voicemail from Dr. Little's office saying that she was running late for the appointment and that the session would unfortunately have to be pushed back a few hours.