The latest Mobile Suit Gundam Battle Operation 2 trailer puts a spotlight on Gundam Delta Kai from UC-MSV. See the suit's abilities in action, including its melee attack, beam and high mega cannons, ranged weapons, and more.
Mobile Suit Gundam Battle Operation 2 is a 6v6 online, free-to-play, team battle game. Gundam Delta Kai will arrive in its next update, launching on September 28 at 10pm PT/ September 29 at 1am ET / 6am BST / 3pm AEST.
Mobile Suit Gundam Battle Operation 2 is a 6v6 online, free-to-play, team battle game. Gundam Delta Kai will arrive in its next update, launching on September 28 at 10pm PT/ September 29 at 1am ET / 6am BST / 3pm AEST.