Why This Yamani Muslim is Arrested Due to a Crime in Baitullah for Queen of England Elizabeth Late

  • 2 years ago
Yamani Arrested for Umrah & Pray for Queen Elizabeth (Late) & Displaying Banner in Baitullah & Media

Umrah for Queen Elizabeth (Late) & Prays of Jannah for Her on Banner by an Arrested Yamani in Baitullah
چرچ آف انگلینڈ کی سپریم گورنر عیسائی ملکہ الزبتھ کے لئے بیت اللہ میں دعائیں اور عمرہ
یہ کیا ماجرا ھے؟
مجرم گرفتار
Church of England ki Supreme Governor aur Essae Marhooma Elizabeth k liey Baitullah mein Duaen aur Umrah krne wala Yamani Sheheri Girftaar
A Muslim Prayed for Christian Elizabeth in Baitullah | Displayed Banner | Performed Umrah on her Behalf also

Umrah on Behalf of Queen Illegal Act
Yamani man Viral Video on Umrah of Elizabeth Queen

Saudi authorities arrest Yemeni man who dedicated his umrah pilgrimage to Queen Elizabeth II
Queen Elizabeth II
Arrested man posted a video on social media where he held up a banner to the late Queen at the Grand Mosque of Mecca.
Saudi security forces have arrested a man who claimed he had travelled to the holy city of Mecca to dedicate his umrah pilgrimage to Queen Elizabeth II...