Tales of the Jedi is the new "Star Wars" animated anthology series co-created by "Clone Wars" and "Mandalorian" executive producer Dave Filoni and "Luke Cage" producer-writer Charles Murray.
Consisting of six episode-long short stories, the animated series focuses on a young Ahsoka Tano and a young Count Dooku. Each episode will take place across various points in Ahsoka's life, depicting the ups and downs of her journey as well as Count Dooku before his fall to the dark side.
Featuring the voices of Ashley Eckstein, Janina Gavankar, Matt Lanter, Liam Neeson, Micheal Richardson and more.
"Tales of the Jedi" is set to premiere on October 26th only on Disney Plus.
Consisting of six episode-long short stories, the animated series focuses on a young Ahsoka Tano and a young Count Dooku. Each episode will take place across various points in Ahsoka's life, depicting the ups and downs of her journey as well as Count Dooku before his fall to the dark side.
Featuring the voices of Ashley Eckstein, Janina Gavankar, Matt Lanter, Liam Neeson, Micheal Richardson and more.
"Tales of the Jedi" is set to premiere on October 26th only on Disney Plus.