• 3 years ago
All looking towards one goal of being together and having fun. Whether you know what the Christmas story is about or not - you cannot escape it! But that’s a good question, what is Christmas really about?

The beginning of the life of Jesus

Whether you are aware of it or not, every year you pause to reflect on the life of Jesus Christ. Especially at Christmas! Whether there is a pandemic or not, Christmas is never skipped in the Western part of the world. Over the years, the story behind Christmas has been somewhat diluted. Christmas has become about coziness and warmth during dark days and families coming together.

But originally Christmas was about the starting point of Jesus' life: his birth.

Christmas is about the birth of Jesus Christ. A story that seems to take place in a stable, in Bethlehem in Israel. In this stable, the pregnant Mary spends the night with her husband Joseph on a long journey.  On this night she gives birth to her child, Jesus. 
