God’s Creatures Movie Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: In a windswept fishing village, a mother is torn between protecting her beloved son and her own sense of right and wrong. A lie she tells for him rips apart their family and close-knit community in this tense, sweepingly emotional epic.
directed by Saela Davis and Anna Rose Holmer
starring Emily Watson, Paul Mescal, Aisling Franciosi, Declan Conlon, Marion O'Dwyer, Toni O'Rourke
release date September 30, 2022 (in theaters)
directed by Saela Davis and Anna Rose Holmer
starring Emily Watson, Paul Mescal, Aisling Franciosi, Declan Conlon, Marion O'Dwyer, Toni O'Rourke
release date September 30, 2022 (in theaters)
Short film