Bandit Movie Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: Gilbert Galvan Jr (Josh Duhamel), a charming criminal, escapes from prison and assumes a new identity. After falling in love with Andrea (Elisha Cuthbert), a caring social worker he can't provide for, he turns to robbing banks and discovers that he's exceptionally good at it. Addicted to the rush and money, he turns to loan shark and gangster Tommy Kay (Mel Gibson) for bigger opportunities. Based on the true story of The Flying Bandit.
directed by Allan Ungar
starring Josh Duhamel, Mel Gibson, Elisha Cuthbert, Nestor Carbonell, Olivia d'Abo
release date September 23, 2022 (in theaters and on VOD/Digital)
directed by Allan Ungar
starring Josh Duhamel, Mel Gibson, Elisha Cuthbert, Nestor Carbonell, Olivia d'Abo
release date September 23, 2022 (in theaters and on VOD/Digital)
Short film