• 3 years ago
Happy Birthday,
Robert De Niro!.
Robert Anthony De Niro Jr.
8turns 77 years old today.
Here are five fun facts
about the famous actor.
1. The committed actor paid his dentist thousands
to ruin his teeth for his role in ‘Cape Fear,’ and
later paid to have them fixed.
2. His first role was as
The Cowardly Lion in a stage
production of ‘The Wizard of Oz’
when he was just 10 years old.
3. De Niro and Marlon Brando are
the only actors to win an Oscar for
portraying the same character.
4. He once held a world record for the
Most Weight Gained for a Movie after
gaining 60 pounds for ‘Raging Bull.’.
5. The private
star rarely
does interviews.
Happy Birthday,
Robert De Niro!


