Delicious Homemade Chicken Milanese Recipe. Fast and Easy

  • 2 jaar geleden
Chicken Milanese is chicken cutlets coated with bread crumbs. I'll add cheese inside and fry it until golden brown, to make it more interesting.
Serve this for brunch, lunch, or the coziest dinners, with a crisp arugula salad on the side dressed with honey mustard dressing. Enjoy! skål!

You'll need :

2 boneless chicken breasts
200 gr all purpose flour
2 eggs
200 gr bread crumbs
mozzarella cheese
wild arugula leaves
1 cup cherry tomatoes
1 tsp yellow mustard
6 tbsp olive oil
1 tbsp honey
2 tbsp lemon juice
shaved parmesan
1/2 lemon
salt and peppe
