Alia Bhatt and Ranir Kapoor were spotted for the special screening of their upcoming film Brahmastra's song Deva Deva. Alia Bhatt looked very beautiful in brown short dress.
Alia Bhatt Ranbir Kapoor Latest Spotted video | Alia Bhatt baby bump flaunting Video | Alia Bhatt flaunts her baby bump | Alia Bhatt Ranbir Kapoor Spotted | Alia Bhatt flaunts Baby Bump
#AliaBhattBabyBump #AliaBhattSpotted #AliaRanbirSpottedVideo
Alia Bhatt Ranbir Kapoor Latest Spotted video | Alia Bhatt baby bump flaunting Video | Alia Bhatt flaunts her baby bump | Alia Bhatt Ranbir Kapoor Spotted | Alia Bhatt flaunts Baby Bump
#AliaBhattBabyBump #AliaBhattSpotted #AliaRanbirSpottedVideo