• 15 years ago
President Obama ran an amazing campaign to win the 2008 election. The Promise of Hope & Change has become a stark reality. God only knows the future...yet it's quickly becoming apparent all the hype of the "Chosen One" is leading to a much darker agenda...many promises have to be kept to groups such as Planned Parenthood & other far-left organizations. Upstanding citizens like William Ares, Louis Farrakhan & of course Jeremiah Wright are His close associates. They even have houses is the same neighborhood in Chicago, made possible by Antoin Rezko, a real estate developer facing federal corruption charges.

According to Barack Obama -
America's "Faith has been hijacked."
An interesting statement when combined with his pronouncement that, "whatever we once were - we are no longer a Christian nation...."

The producer of this video is Dena~www.youtube.com/miradena
