• 16 years ago
If you ever wondered what happens to all those shaky video snippets that are recorded by people all the time and those short shots that simply don't fit into any edited video created from the original raw content, ... here is the answer.

Aehrm... actually nobody usually does anything with them. They catch dust in some box if they are lucky or simply get deleted once the editing of the raw material was done...

This is a waste really, not? Well, I did something with some pieces and here is the result. I added labels to point out folks that I recognized while the camera "flew" over them and where I remembered the name (the latter one was especially hard for me :) ).

If I missed anybody that I should not have missed, sorry, Either was the video simply too much blurred or I just had enough of creating more labels .. and make them stick too! For the Germans who watch this video.. I know the lyrics is not really PG-13, but I "bleeped" out the "toughest" parts hehe.

And I wanted to show of my new intro. I used a beta version of it for the more serious (emphasis on "more" and not "serious") video interview with Angel and Kellie. It shakes too, but in this case it is intended.

Update: The intro is based on the PC demo "Realtime Generation" by Fairlight, Andromeda Software Development and Alcatraz, the Ball animation in the background and the sound. I added the overlaying ani to the original.

Furthermore... with all those blurry shots there are a lot of folks who I can tag for this video in Facebook.. yeah! If you don't think that this was funny.. sorry.. German humor I guess :)

You can download this video in AVI format (71 MB) at http://www.mediafire.com/?wz1kmjzujdm

Btw. This video is not the intellectual property of Toei Animation nor does it contain any of their crap.

Update: Except for the Intro part was everything shot by myself, the music in the background is German and the guys from FLT, ASD and ATZ are also not affiliated with TOEI, so back off!.

Carsten Cumbrowski


