Things to do if you can't fall asleep.

  • 2 years ago
Things to do if you can't fall asleep.

There are many things that can keep you awake at night: worry, stress, anxiety, work, travel, and the latest season of your favorite TV show. You can fall asleep in minutes with the right approach. Relaxation is key to a smooth sleep. The relaxation response has been shown to positively impact both mind and body. Relaxation can help you relax and drift off to sleep by reducing anxiety and stress. These proven relaxation techniques can help you with sleep issues such as insomnia. These are some common tips for what to do if you don't want to sleep.
Pre-Bedtime Tips to Help You Fall Asleep Faster.

Number 1. Keep the room cool, dark, and comfortable.
You will need to ensure that your bedroom is dark and cool at night in order to create a relaxing environment. According to research, the ideal temperature for sleeping is between 60 and 67 degrees Fahrenheit (15 to 18 degrees Celsius). You should also make sure that there aren't any bright lights, such as a phone or computer screen, that could disturb your sleep. A glowing light can be used to help you fall asleep and create a peaceful transition from day to night in your bedroom.

Number 2. Wait 30 Minutes.
Michael Perlis, Ph.D. director of the University of Pennsylvania's Behaviora, Sleep Medicine program, suggests that you give yourself a half hour to rest before you try again. You can try getting up from your bed and moving around to different areas of your house to engage in a relaxing activity such as journaling, yoga, reading, or even writing. You'll be able to look forward to the cold side of your pillow when you return to.

Number 3. Switch Up Your Sleeping Position.
It can be difficult to change from the position you are comfortable with, regardless of whether you sleep on your stomach, back or side. You might consider trying a new sleeping position if you have trouble falling asleep. Although 55% of people sleep on the back, 38% on their side, and 38% on their stomachs, only 7% of people are stomach sleepers. There is no universal sleeping position. However, it is possible to set yourself up for success by choosing the right pillow forward.

Number 4. Sleep Solo.
Although it may be tempting to snuggle with your pet, a Mayo Clinic study found that owners are more likely to wake up during the night when their pets sleep. Instead, snuggle with your pet until bedtime and then switch to your dog bed. This will give you some peace.

Number 5. Do Calming Yoga.
Feeling restless can be caused by tossing around. Calming yoga before bed can help you to calm your mind and get rid of restlessness. Recent research has shown that stretching and resistance exercise are both effective in improving chronic insomnia symptoms. Yoga before bed does not have to make you a pretzel. You might find that a five-minute session of yoga with low-intensity poses like Balasana (child's pose) is all you need to help you relax and ease tension so you can sleep peacefully.

