Agent is an upcoming Indian spy thriller film directed by Surender Reddy from a story written by Vakkantham Vamsi. Produced by AK Entertainments and Surender 2 Cinema, the film stars Akhil Akkineni, Mammootty, and Sakshi Vaidya.
Director: Surender Reddy
Producer: Ramabrahmam Sunkara
Co-Producers: Ajay Sunkara, Pathi Deepa Reddy
Executive Producer: Kishore Garikipati
Banners: AK Entertainments, Surender 2 Cinema
Story: Vakkantham Vamsi
Music Director: Hip Hop Thamizha
DOP: Rasool Ellore
Editor: Naveen Nooli
Production Design: Avinash Kolla
Director: Surender Reddy
Producer: Ramabrahmam Sunkara
Co-Producers: Ajay Sunkara, Pathi Deepa Reddy
Executive Producer: Kishore Garikipati
Banners: AK Entertainments, Surender 2 Cinema
Story: Vakkantham Vamsi
Music Director: Hip Hop Thamizha
DOP: Rasool Ellore
Editor: Naveen Nooli
Production Design: Avinash Kolla