Action director Rohit Shetty goes down memory lane and talks about coming on board Khatron Ke Khiladi as the host. He also talks about his future projects Singham 3 and Cirkus, and says there will be a new actor joining his cop universe soon. Rohit takes on the rapid-fire and answers some fun questions about Khatron Ke Khiladi 12, his career and his favourite stars. KKK12 has Sriti Jha, Aneri Vajani, Rubina Dilaik, Mr Faisu, Jannat Zubair, Nishant Bhat, Pratik Sehajpal, Tushar Kalia, Mohit Malik, Rajiv Adatia, Chetna Pande, Erica Packard and Shivangi Joshi as contestants.
#RohitShetty #KhatronKeKhiladi #KKK12 #RubinaDilaik #ShivangiJoshi #mrfaisu
#RohitShetty #KhatronKeKhiladi #KKK12 #RubinaDilaik #ShivangiJoshi #mrfaisu