• 3 years ago
Persona 4 Arena Ultimax 2.5
Challenge Mode
Character: Shadow Teddie
Challenge 30
Objective: hit 'Bearscrew' (236A, B or AB) 11 times in a single combo.

- Numerical notation:
+ Preparation: 214B
+ Actual combo: (Corner) 236A, 236A, Shadow Frenzy, 236A ~ 236B ~ 236AB ~ 236B, 5B, jump cancel, j.236A ~ j.236B, OMC, double jump, j.236B ~ j.236AB ~ j.236A

- Arrows notations:
+ Preparation: ↓↙← + B
+ Actual combo: (Corner) ↓↘→ + A, ↓↘→ + A, Shadow Frenzy, ↓↘→ + A ~ ↓↘→ + B ~ ↓↘→ + AB ~ ↓↘→ + B, B, jump cancel, air ↓↘→ + A ~ air ↓↘→ + B, OMC, double jump, air ↓↘→ + B ~ air ↓↘→ + AB, air ↓↘→ + A

Detailed Explanation:
214B (before starting the combo hit this move to put Yu in fear state),
Push Yu completely to the corner (to avoid a cross-up),
236A (start the combo with this move),
pause, 236A (wait until the previous move completely finishes and then link another 236A),
Shadow Frenzy (press ACD when 236A hits Yu to cancel into Shadow Frenzy. You probably can cancel the move at any time. But it is advised to cancel right in the beginning just to be safe),
236A (do this move as soon as you recover. You can do this while Teddie is in the air after the activation or you can wait for him to touch the ground. There is no difference, just don't wait too much),
236B (cancel into this move, the timing should not matter here, as long you don't do it too fast or too slow),
from now you want to delay the canceling of a Bearscrew into another to avoid letting Yu goes too high,
very small delay, 236AB (delay as much you can and then cancel into 236AB),
small delay, 236B (now you can delay a bit more before canceling into 236B),
delay, 5C (you want to hit Yu as close as possible from the ground, but if didn't keep Yu in the right height in the previous steps you will have to the this move a bit earlier to make it hit, what may make the rest of the combo harder or even impossible),
8, j.236A (Cancel 5B into neutral jump and them do a j.236A. Your main objective is to keep Teddie as high as possible and Yu as low as possible in the air),
from now you want cancel a Bearscrew into another as fast as possible, but you still have to do a small delay to avoid getting a super move,
micro delay, j.236B (cancel into j.236B. The delay is the minimum just to avoid getting a super),
OMC, 8 (One More Cancel. Press ABC right into the beginning of j.236B and do a double jump as earlier as you can),
j.236B (do it as early as possible after the double jump. Again, the objective is to keep Teddie as high as possible and Yu as low as possible),
micro delay, j.236AB (cancel into j.236B. The delay is the minimum just to avoid getting a super),
micro delay, j.236A (cancel into j.236B. The delay is the minimum just to avoid getting a super. It will only work if you keep Yu at the right height. It may happen that he goes too high and this move misses).
