TOP 15 Advanced and Secure Prisons

Video Zone

by Video Zone

Prison! Nobody wants to go and everybody wants to leave. For some countries, prisons can be a way to try and rehabilitate the inmates, teach them a trade or vocation with some real-world use, and help them become better members of society. But for others, prison is an absolute hell on Earth for the men and women inside, no matter what they did. From fraud to manslaughter, to murder, and even the all-too-often innocent inmate, many of these people can be thrown together into the mix and left to their own devices, so when you hear of an attempted and successful escape, for better or for worse it should come as no surprise. So the powers at be have been working tirelessly to make sure that the folks who did the crime do their time, which is why they make it impossible to escape, with some of the measures they take being pretty extreme. So join us for today’s video, where we look at 15 of the most secluded and secure prisons in the world!