Cool Start-Ups

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2 years ago
Start up companies have great potential to change the world and provide innovative solutions to long term global problems.
This video takes a look at the problem of food shortages, with a focus on Singapore, which faced problems with food importation when its borders closed due to the coronavirus pandemic.
Check out the vertical farming start up Sustenir, an agricultural technology company that aims to combat problems with food shortages. Food security is a growing problem across the world with changes to weather patterns causing problems for crop growth. It is also a problem in built up cities that have very little land available for food production. Other solutions are needed.
Nicole Junkermann of NJF Capital has long been interested in foodtech as a sector to invest in. Nicole Junkermann has backed ventures that aim to solve problems with food shortages and that investigate alternative protein sources. These include JUST Egg, which produces egg from plant-based sources, using innovative technologies to solve pressing global issues.
