Aired (June 15, 2022): Abigail (Shayne Sava) intends to release Letty (Ai-Ai Delas Alas) from the homecare facility with the assistance of Sylvia (Valerie Concepcion).
Catch the latest episodes of 'Raising Mamay' weekdays at 3:25 PM on GMA Network, starring Ai-Ai Delas Alas as Letty/Mamay, and Shayne Sava as Abigail. Also in the casts are Gary Estrada, Antonio Aquitania, Valerie Concepcion, Ina Feleo, Joyce Ching, Abdul Raman, Raquel Pareño, and Tart Carlos.
Watch it weekdays at 3:25 PM on GMA Network. #RaisingMamay
Catch the latest episodes of 'Raising Mamay' weekdays at 3:25 PM on GMA Network, starring Ai-Ai Delas Alas as Letty/Mamay, and Shayne Sava as Abigail. Also in the casts are Gary Estrada, Antonio Aquitania, Valerie Concepcion, Ina Feleo, Joyce Ching, Abdul Raman, Raquel Pareño, and Tart Carlos.
Watch it weekdays at 3:25 PM on GMA Network. #RaisingMamay